Wednesday, January 31, 2018

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film photos by Angie Strong // earrings- Mallory Wolk

GOOOOOD Evening my dudes!
This past weekend I shot on film for the first time ever with my new friend Angie. She is seriously so talented. And shooting on film is such a cool process, you have to really have to focus with it. When modeling I like to move around a lot, get different poses, and have photos in motion... Whereas with film, you pretty much have to stay still and hold the poses, in a lot of the photos I'm totally squinting because my eyes couldn't handle the sun for too long!! But really, check out Angie's work, she really knows what she's doing!!!

As for this outfit, 1. I LOVE these earrings, I get complements on them all day long whenever I wear them. They were made by another SCAD student, Mallory Wolk, she and I were in english together and I would always be so in love with her earrings I got her to make me some of my own! A true gem she is. And 2. double denim is to DIE FOR! Fun fact, the top I'm wearing is actually a dress, so I constantly had to ask Angie if my butt looked lumpy from it hahaha!! 

I realize denim may be fading into a passing trend, but I love it so so much. 
What is your favorite type of denim? xo, O

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Monday, January 29, 2018

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top- Urban Outfitters 

Here we are, I'm officially twenty years old. I started writing on this blog when I was fourteen years old. I was so young; still figuring things out, still deciding what kind of person I wanted to be, my style, my interests, everything. Back then I was just establishing myself as a blogger and in the social media world and look at me now!

I would like to be here in front of you today and say how I've found myself, how proud of the woman I have become and all that coming of age stuff, but the truth is I'm still totally figuring it out. And that is totally, completely, and utterly okay.
Last year I was a freshman in college, I was nineteen. I look around me when I'm with freshman, be it eating in their dining hall, or in a foundations building or something, and I notice the way they hold themselves. They have this sort of air to them, their egos are massive and they think the entire world is theirs. I walked that way last year. Finally in college, finally out on my own, feeling like nothing can stop me, when the truth is everything is all just beginning. I was a tiny fish, just barely entering the massive sea of different adventures life has to offer, awaiting me to dive deeply into it.
A friend of mine wrote a piece once about a similar topic. He went through the different ages, talking about milestones and moments of change that each new age has to offer. He wrote it at nineteen. I remember reading it, I was fourteen at the time, and thinking, "wow, he's so mature, so old, he really knows what he's talking about" and maybe he did at the time! But flash forward to myself at nineteen, I feel so young. Younger even at twenty. It's as if nothing has changed, now there is just more pressure to not mess up.

I remember meeting twenty year olds, whether it be a camp counselor or one of my sisters college friends and thinking, "wow, they are so cool, so grown up, so old, I can't wait to be just like them." But feeling like me being "just like them" was NEVER going to happen, me being "just like them" was billions of light years away. But here I am. I made it, I'm just like them and the time I thought would never come, came, and it now moves really freaking fast and it doesn't seem to ever slow down.
Twenty is going to be a huge year for me. So much had changed in my nineteenth year, I don't even know what to expect for twenty, besides the fact that I am going to have to just take it one day at a time.

Something that I am constantly having to work on is the fact that I over analyze everything, I overthink and I set my expectations for everything way too high. I need to start being easier on myself, and taking everything with a grain of salt. Realizing that not everyone nor everything is perfect, and this whole thing is a learning experience.

I am constantly growing, even if I am now at a point in my life where I thought I would have it all figured out, I know I don't and that is okay. This is just the beginning for me and I cannot wait to see where my wonderful life takes me.
Here's to twenty!! xo, O
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Friday, January 26, 2018

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HEY GUYS! As I'm sure you've noticed, I haven't been posting birthday chronicles everyday. But don't worry, that doesn't mean I'm not doing the things! Some things that were on my list like, shooting in the studio, are things that I won't be able to post until later, gotta give the photog time to edit pics and what not! No rush, ya know?

BUT! I'm here and ready with a post! Yesterday, Matt and I got together with Julia and Peter and took some mushy couple pics. Matt and I didn't even plan it, but I love how he's wearing a white and blue outfit and I'm wearing a red and white outfit. That plus the palm trees, it's like we are in LA in some hot american summer dream. Not sure if that really makes sense, but it's a vibe.

Anyway, I hope you all have had a good week. Only a few days until my big day! Have a great weekend :) xo, O

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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

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glasses- Oui Fresh // earrings- T. Marie Designs // top- American Apparel // overalls- Forever 21

Howdy y'all!

It's day two of The Birthday Chronicles! Today's chronicle was to go to one of the tallest places in Savannah and watch the sunset, light sparklers and have a good time! This was a process though let me tell you... Today (of course) it was one of the windiest days in all of Savannah wind history, I mean maybe not, I haven't checked my almanac or anything, but it was super windy, you get it. So naturally, one would presume that trying to light anything on fire would present itself a challenge. That's not to mention all I has was a 30 cent lighter from a gas station that was basically juiceless!

Regardless of the challenges mother nature threw at us, John (John shot these for me) and I had a great time shooting. Everyone and their mother had the same idea too, we weren't the only ones taking photos at this very parking garage. Guess it's a popular spot! I've actually shot here in the past with my friend Julia...

You can see that post here. I've been reminiscing a lot lately, thinking about how I'll be twenty in only a few days, it's crazy that that post was written over a year ago. It feels like just yesterday and yet ages ago, I've grown and changed so much since then. Wild what one year can do! But more on that later ;) xo, O


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Monday, January 22, 2018

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hat- Forever 21 // sunnies- Oui Fresh // jacket- Calvin Klien

Hello! Happy day one of The Birthday Chronicles! 

Today I celebrated myself in a way all good things should be celebrated, with food! I'm sure when you read yesterdays post about what I plan to do with these chronicles and saw avocado toast you probably thought Collins Quarter, but NO! Although it is delicious, and to be had later this week... the real champion avo toast comes from The tiny, AC-less, flavor filled Diplomat. 

The Diplomat opened this past fall right before we all came back for school. Perfect timing! They are still relatively new, and to my knowledge still getting it's name out there. So for all you Savannah dwellers, if you're looking to eat the best avocado toast you'll ever have in your life, head here. I think what makes it stand out are the pumpkin seeds and dill sprinkled on top. The flavors are unreal, and so is the bread! Guy Fieri would be impressed, one bite of this bad boy and you're sent straight to flavor town...

Also, today I wore this cute denim get up and was feelin' myself in my new Oui Fresh sunnies!! Life is always better when I'm wearing a cute outfit :)

What is your favorite food? xo, O


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Sunday, January 21, 2018

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Good Morning Babes! 

Today marks the first official day of my BIRTHWEEK

It's pretty self explanatory, but that basically means that a week from today is my birthday, a week from today I will be TWENTY! That is so crazy to me. Two full decades, officially officially an adult... Real world here I come! Am I ready? I have no idea yet... 

If you've been reading my blog for a while now, or at least a year, you'll know that every year when my birthday comes around I do a series of posts called "The Birthday Chronicles

These chronicles consist of a post everyday, of me doing something that I love! Something that makes me happy to celebrate life, my life! It serves as a last minute bucket list of little things that I want to do before I turn whatever new age I'm going to be. 

Sometimes in the past I have done my entire birthmonth but being in school and everything, that can be tough... This year we are going to celebrate the week leading up to it! 
So, are you ready to know what I'll be up to this week?? Here we go!

1. Shoot in the studio
2. Eat my favorite avocado toast in Savannah
3. Take cute couple-y photos with Matt
4. Rock pink hair
5. Picnic on the beach
6. Sparklers at sunset
7. Celebrate my day surrounded by all my fave people in Savannah

Nothing too crazy, but I can't wait! This is going to be a fabulous week!! 
In addition to celebrating and having lots of fun fun fun, I'm going to spend the week reflecting on my teen years, mushy I know, but be on the look out for a more insightful post in the future as well. 

See ya tomorrow! xo, O

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Thursday, January 18, 2018

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glasses- Paper Source // overalls- Target // sweater- Thrifted // shoes- Vans


Happy almost weekend!! I hope you all have had a good week so far! It's been a weird one for me for sure, sort of all over the place! We didn't have classes on Monday due to MLK day, and then I don't have classes Tuesday or Thursdays, so I weirdly only had one day of classes this week. We have make up classes tomorrow from Monday, and I'm all out of sorts trying to organize my life over here! Haha.. It's weird how having one day off can throw your whole week off!

But, besides that, there are a few things that I'm LOVING lately!

1. These STARS! I found them on tumblr and am obsessed... I used them in my instagram photo that I posted this morning, and seriously cannot be stopped. They make any photo so much fun!

2. BØRNS new album!! It's been out for a few days now and I can't stop listening. My fave songs as of right now are Second Night of Summer and I Don't Want U Back. SOOO good. Give it a listen for SURE

3. My underrated crazy daisy sunglasses!! I always second guess wearing them out because they honestly do make me look like I'm super startled or something lol, but they are toooo much fun to pass up!

What are you loving lately??
Also, do you like the way the photos are laid out in this post? Do you prefer straight up photos, or more collage type posts? Let me know in the comments down below!! xo, O

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Wednesday, January 17, 2018

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Good afternoon chickideeees! 

Right now I'm sitting in my math class wearing the absolute most KILLER red high waisted pants and a red lined clear belt that I found this past weekend at Goodwill and could not feel better. You guys, when my outfit is a ten, my day is a ten, but that's a different story. 

As I'm sure you've noticed, and I am sort of late on talking about this trend, but monochromatic dressing is very in right now. Especially all red outfits! A monochromatic outfit is powerful! Especially in all red, to me red says, "hey, I'm in charge, I know what's going on, I'm confident. Get ready for me." I love that. Any outfit that has "Girlboss" written all over it is an outfit I can get behind, and this is IT! 

I'm working up a little outfit post for you all with some monochromatic outfits, so be on the lookout for that! I've been having some skin issues and haven't been able to shoot. Until then, here are some of my fave pieces that you can buy so you can build your own monochromatic outfit!

But serious pro tip: shop at Goodwill-- 1. because it's way cheaper and 2. everything is color coded! No need to spend years on looking, it's already all organized for you!

Happy shopping! xo, O
p.s. if you didn't pick up on it, the title of this post is a reference to a Taylor Swift song...


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Tuesday, January 16, 2018

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Good Morning loves!

This past long weekend, my friends and I decided to take a last minute trip to Charleston, South Carolina. We want to make this quarter the best one yet by doing something fantastic every weekend. What a better way to kick that off by a mini road trip to Charleston! Very similar to Savannah, Charleston is the home of southern charm, "y'all", colorful old architecture, and bright green palm trees even when it's cold.

Naturally seeing as it was a long weekend and people tend to travel, it was pretty crowded, nothing too bad though. We got their in the morning just in time for brunch. We bopped in and around some shops, drank decadent hot chocolate and took loots of photos, most on film, which ended not even being in the film camera... practice makes perfect I guess though right? Right.

So as far as this guide goes, I'm going to highlight the places we went and talk a little bit about those, and then suggest some other places that we didn't make it to, but everyone and their mother seems to love according to other travel guides...
The Park Café: We arrived in Charleston and went straight here for brunch. Boy oh boy was it delicious. All five of us ordered different things and seriously everyone's food looked so so good.
The atmosphere was so so nice too. And what's brunch without nice atmosphere? Honestly... not worth it! lol But seriously, they had big big windows, plants everywhere, it was all so light and airy, a very pleasant brunch spot.

Butcher & Bee
The Macintosh
The Darling Oyster Bar
Black Tap: We drove to this adorable coffee shop after a while of walking off our delicious breakfasts. Seating is somewhat minimal, but we were able to make it work at the community table. And although slightly over priced, (but what coffee shop isn't these days...) it was well worth it. Be sure to try their banana nutella popover, seriously I wish I had a lifetime supply of these, it was SO good. It's a bright spot in a nice residential neighborhood, for sure give it a try.

Sugar Bake Shop: When walking around on Cannon Street, we stopped in here to see what it was all about. Cupcakes!! You're hit with a wonderfully sweet smell just walking by, so we had to go in. I wanted to try something new so I got a chocolate orange cupcake. To be honest I wasn't a fan, but I'm not knocking this spot entirely, it was adorable and would for sure go back and try another flavor of cupcake. 

King Street: Looking to spend more money that you don't have? Head to King St. for all the boujiest of boujee stores, designer fashion stores, high end makeup boutiques, and local artists that spend a fraction on what they make for what they sell. BUT! Regardless, it's fun to pop into all the different stores! We did lots of window shopping, which is always fun.

Candlefish: Looking for something fragrant to spice up your home? Some fire hazards? Something to really set the mood? Yes? In that case... Candlefish is the place for you! This shop is the home for all the best smelling candles I've ever smelt in my entire life. Not only do they sell candles, but also other home decor type things. Be sure to stop in, it's right off King St.
Mac & Murphy: Mac & Murphy was like heaven if heaven were a tiny store for me. They sell all things paper. So greeting cards, stationary, notebooks, and then things related to that, so desk items, pens, pencil pouches, they've got it all! I fell in love with the lil spot, and hopefully you all will too!
Indigo & Cotton: Right across the street from Mac & Murphy, this is a higher end mens clothing boutique with really great stuff mostly made in the USA. Matt was able to snag some things that I think will seriously last him a long time. Gents, don't pass this spot up.

Bikes: we didn't take advantage of this due to the chilly weather, however, when I go back to Charleston, I will for sure take one of their bike share bikes out for a spin. I think this is such a great way to explore any new city! So fun, and the fact that their bikes are so so cute makes it even harder to resist!
Rainbow Row: If you've ever seen photos of Charleston, you've probably seen Rainbow Row. Right in the heart of downtown, these are the oldest standing connected row of their style houses in the south. Does that make sense? I think that's what I read on the placard... hahaha. You can read it when you visit! And take many photos there too...
Angel Oak Tree: You might think this is nerdy, but I kid you not it is amazing. This is one of the oldest largest trees, like... ever. Be sure to get there mid day though, because the hours are off on their sign and they will kick you out (lame) But there are little tables and such, so going there and having a picnic under the tree is not out of the question, in fact that is exactly what I plan to do next time!
Overall our trip was a LOT of fun. I'm so grateful to live near to many cool places that are only a short road trip away! I cannot wait to travel to more spots and share more travel guides! Do you guys like posts like this? Let me know! I'll have a video diary up on my YouTube soon too!! Stick around xo, O
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