Monday, January 22, 2018

hat- Forever 21 // sunnies- Oui Fresh // jacket- Calvin Klien

Hello! Happy day one of The Birthday Chronicles! 

Today I celebrated myself in a way all good things should be celebrated, with food! I'm sure when you read yesterdays post about what I plan to do with these chronicles and saw avocado toast you probably thought Collins Quarter, but NO! Although it is delicious, and to be had later this week... the real champion avo toast comes from The tiny, AC-less, flavor filled Diplomat. 

The Diplomat opened this past fall right before we all came back for school. Perfect timing! They are still relatively new, and to my knowledge still getting it's name out there. So for all you Savannah dwellers, if you're looking to eat the best avocado toast you'll ever have in your life, head here. I think what makes it stand out are the pumpkin seeds and dill sprinkled on top. The flavors are unreal, and so is the bread! Guy Fieri would be impressed, one bite of this bad boy and you're sent straight to flavor town...

Also, today I wore this cute denim get up and was feelin' myself in my new Oui Fresh sunnies!! Life is always better when I'm wearing a cute outfit :)

What is your favorite food? xo, O


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