Wednesday, January 31, 2018

film photos by Angie Strong // earrings- Mallory Wolk

GOOOOOD Evening my dudes!
This past weekend I shot on film for the first time ever with my new friend Angie. She is seriously so talented. And shooting on film is such a cool process, you have to really have to focus with it. When modeling I like to move around a lot, get different poses, and have photos in motion... Whereas with film, you pretty much have to stay still and hold the poses, in a lot of the photos I'm totally squinting because my eyes couldn't handle the sun for too long!! But really, check out Angie's work, she really knows what she's doing!!!

As for this outfit, 1. I LOVE these earrings, I get complements on them all day long whenever I wear them. They were made by another SCAD student, Mallory Wolk, she and I were in english together and I would always be so in love with her earrings I got her to make me some of my own! A true gem she is. And 2. double denim is to DIE FOR! Fun fact, the top I'm wearing is actually a dress, so I constantly had to ask Angie if my butt looked lumpy from it hahaha!! 

I realize denim may be fading into a passing trend, but I love it so so much. 
What is your favorite type of denim? xo, O

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