Sunday, January 21, 2018

Good Morning Babes! 

Today marks the first official day of my BIRTHWEEK

It's pretty self explanatory, but that basically means that a week from today is my birthday, a week from today I will be TWENTY! That is so crazy to me. Two full decades, officially officially an adult... Real world here I come! Am I ready? I have no idea yet... 

If you've been reading my blog for a while now, or at least a year, you'll know that every year when my birthday comes around I do a series of posts called "The Birthday Chronicles

These chronicles consist of a post everyday, of me doing something that I love! Something that makes me happy to celebrate life, my life! It serves as a last minute bucket list of little things that I want to do before I turn whatever new age I'm going to be. 

Sometimes in the past I have done my entire birthmonth but being in school and everything, that can be tough... This year we are going to celebrate the week leading up to it! 
So, are you ready to know what I'll be up to this week?? Here we go!

1. Shoot in the studio
2. Eat my favorite avocado toast in Savannah
3. Take cute couple-y photos with Matt
4. Rock pink hair
5. Picnic on the beach
6. Sparklers at sunset
7. Celebrate my day surrounded by all my fave people in Savannah

Nothing too crazy, but I can't wait! This is going to be a fabulous week!! 
In addition to celebrating and having lots of fun fun fun, I'm going to spend the week reflecting on my teen years, mushy I know, but be on the look out for a more insightful post in the future as well. 

See ya tomorrow! xo, O

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