My Dream Room

Monday, March 31, 2014

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My Dream Room
David Trubridge coral colored lamp / Orange lamp / Synthetic rug / Wool rug, $950 / Rug, $295 / Blue rug, $400 / Fatboy rug, $250 / Safavieh ceramic garden stool / Currey Company antique mirror / Flower arrangement / Personalized home decor / Vintage home decor / Pink throw pillow / Cat clock / C Wonder throw pillow / Jonathan Adler sheer curtain panel / Door stop / Book end, $50 / Newgate pink alarm clock, $25 / Pug home decor, $42 / Framed wall art / LSA International glass vase, $23 / Rifle Paper Co word wall art, $11 / Pink throw pillow, $17 / Queen bed frame / Tufted sofa / Crate and barrel furniture / Aidan gray furniture / Rectangle cocktail table / Desk / Serena Lily rattan chair / Hot pink furniture / Colored furniture, $655 / HAY oak accent table, $385 / Round table / Crosley Radio 'Kettle' Desk Phone

Hey Guys!
I have been so excited to share this with you and now it's here! So I am kinda obsessed with Polyvore... but typically I am just on there creating outfit sets and accessory collections, but the other day I decided to create a ROOM! And not only any room...  but my total DREAM ROOM! (Can you tell I am excited? haha) If I had the money, time, and space to totally redecorate my room it would look a little bit like this! Alright so obviously it will be rather colorful, as my room is now, but it doesn't get great light in it, I do have many windows but at times it can be pretty dark... But not this room... this room is always bright and always warm and cheery! I think my inspiration for my dream room honestly came from Julia over on Gal Meets Glam... you can scroll through there and see if there are any home photos... There are always some on her Instagram. She has a similar layout to this room and I just love it!

Get a closer look:
On the left of my room is my desk, with a poppy rug and comfy chair... Next to the desk as you can see is a hanging chair. I have been dying for one of these, they are sooooo cool and so much fun! When I have my own house they will absolutely be hanging in my living room! Some bright and fun art will hang on the walls and flowers will be everywhere! So here's a little secret to this room I created... the wallpaper is actually a rug! Haha I loved it too much to not use and it was perfection as wallpaper :)
One of my favorite parts in my room is the couch area... 
If my room now were big enough for this believe me I would have one. I think that this couch probably faces my massive open closet or maybe another window? I am not sure yet what it is facing but I like it :) I love these mix match pillows, I feel like the couch and pillows are very 70s... is that just me? Okay so this rug is just to dye for, I. Love. It. I tried to put some things on the little table to make it feel more "lived in" so that little camera sticker represents my hobby for photography and blogging and the books are my absolute love for big books with big pictures, especially makeup and fashion books! 
To the right of my bed is a chest, full of who knows what; clothes? Fabric? Crafting things? Junk I've stuffed in there while I "cleaned up my room"? We will never really know until I create this room in real life haha. Mirrors are essential... There is the decorative pink one above the chest where I may do my makeup or put on jewelry... And then a full length one to check out my spectacular outfits ;) 
And then a little furry rug because why not!
Also, don't forget the fabulous kitty clock! We used to have one of these but in black in my kitchen in my old house when I was really young before we moved to Richmond. If we still have that I want it! 
And for the most important area of the bedroom... the bed. I couldn't find any super fun special beds that were facing the correct direction so I used this one, cut off the ugly head board and added this beautiful pinkish-red one! Love it <3
In my room now I have a sweet vintage floral chandelier, but I really love this cool geometric one! 
On my bed as you can see are some cute little throw pillows, "Je T'aime" (I love you in french), a cat pillow (I actually have one of these!) and a pug face pillow! How funny is that one! 
On either side of my bed as you can see, since it's in the middle of the room I thought it looked good with matching lamps and stand tables. And of course little rugs, flowers and a clock... 

So that's my dream room! What do you think? Have you created a Polyvore room before? If you have, or you just want me to check out your Polyvore, follow me and I will follow you back and take a look! 

Have a great week! xoxolivia. 

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Words With Sunday + Chapter 21

Sunday, March 30, 2014

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Can Can! (again again...) My love for CanCan is nestled in the deep crevices of my heart, forever to remain and always to cherish. So you understand, I love Can Can... always have always will. 
This morning, my father got the typical Eggs Benedict with grilled tomato in place of the ham (go vegetarians!) I did not try it but he said it was oh so excellent....
 We shared a French Onion Soup... yum!
I ordered something new to me, cinnamon caramel orange waffles. And let me tell you folks, these were di-lish-i-o-so!! And so filling, I didn't even get to finishing the last two!

Yet again, another rainy day.... But at least rainy days call for cute umbrella shots!
We took my outfit photos at a little red train behind a school, I think it is used as a classroom or offices, I am not sure, but it was cute and super fun.
sweater // given to me by my dear friend Shelby
shirt // Gap
belt // vintage - costume
skirt // Forever 21, I love this skirt and I have had it for a while now but this was my first time wearing it out and I felt great in it! I love funky pencil skirts, the only down side is that I bought it online and since I couldn't try it on, I ordered a size a bit too big on mistake... 
tights // hand-me-downs
heels // vintage
earrings // given to me from my sister

I hope you all have a fantastic week! I can't wait for this rain to stop so the sun can shine and Spring can come out of hiding! xoxolivia.

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Words With Sunday + Chapter 20

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Chapter twenty already, wow. So no we didn't go out to brunch today due my dads work, but if you read in my last post, I woke up super early and had a slow, chill, nice rainy day. 

I eventually got to taking photos the short five minutes the sun was out. It was cloudy but my kind of day. Personally, I love slow rainy days spent indoors. But get this today I, woke up, cleaned my room, did all my homework, did some watercoloring, watched High School Musical (yes, yes it did, and it was the sing-a-long version too oh yeah) went to the craft store, blogged, had a photoshoot, studied, made homemade henna, applied the henna to my body, edited lots of photos, blogged more, oh and cleaned a very very dirty kitchen. That's a lot, for a Sunday. 
outfit details: 
dress // Target
tights // Target
jacket // thrifted
hat // vintage
shoes // hand-me-down

Back to school again tomorrow, and shockingly enough, it is supposed to snow on Tuesday, spring where are you!?! Hey maybe we will get a snow day! (fingers crossed) xoxolivia.

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She Had The Universe Spilling From Her Eyes, and she didn't even know it

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I did some watercolor this morning, well watercolor feat. some glitter (typical) 
I randomly woke up at six thirty this morning and I got out of bed and did all my homework. I was finished by eight which was awesomeee but every one was still asleep. My father had a conference call this morning right around brunch time so I think we are going to get lunch or dinner for our words with sunday.  But now it's rainy, and I've been awake for so long and have already done a lot. humph
I'm not really sure where the inspiration came from for this one... I have been drawing people that look like this though a lot lately. Like it's weird, my journal which is typically filled top to bottom on each page with endless words and thoughtful writing is now drawings and few words. Who knows....
But yeah I made that little saying up, unless someone else around the world has already said it before, but as long as I'm not sure, it's mine hehe xoxolivia. 

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Saturday, March 22, 2014

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Hello :)
While blog hoping around reading my daily reads, I saw that Elsie from A Beautiful Mess is doing this 100 Happy Days photo challenge and I thought, well I love to be happy and I love photos, so it's just perfection!! 
So read along... so you can join as well!

If you are ready to take on this challenge (of extreme happiness..) click here to sign up and join, it's totally free of course and takes one second. I highly recommend it, also you don't have to have an Instagram to do it! You can do it though facebook, twitter, tumblr, maybe pinterest, and email! Or if you aren't into sharing your photos, maybe just make a deal with yourself to document one thing each day that makes you happy and save those happy moments for yourself to forever remember and enjoy! 

Feel free to follow me along my #100happydays on my Instagram! xoxOlivia
p.s. did you click on every time I wrote "happy?" you should............ It'll make you happily happy

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Velvet Pants Make The Slouch Outfit Perfection

Friday, March 21, 2014

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Hello all! So where was I this week? Ah yes well, I was in school, just like any other typical week Monday through Friday. Here's the thing, I really need to focus in my classes and up my work ethic. This all means that I am now officially a weekend blogger... Sad but true :(
If you have noticed by now, Ally and I did a little bit of a photo shoot this evening as the sun was setting... The weather was beyond beautiful today, I had a great day. This weather is my favorite.

On another note... I sent my laptop in the other day to get it all fixed up and get all the smoothie gunk out (yuck) But for now I am on a loaner which doesn't have any of my photo editing apps on it. Therefor I had to use a website to edit my photos.... Not my favorite but I got to play around with some effects and themes etcetera.
This cat decided to follow us around during our shoot. It's funny because Ally hates and I mean hates stray cats and cats that just walk around on their own... But It loved me hehe <3
Well well well... what did I wear?
shirt // Forever 21
pants // Urban Outfitters
shoes // vintage
jacket // vintage, Ally's

I hope you all have such splendid weekends :) Any plans? I've got nothing but maybe some crafting and homework... xoxolivia

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Cozy Up

Monday, March 17, 2014

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As you know if you've been reading along, weather here hasn't been great...
On this snowy day today I made some cookies. They started out as a fail when I didn't have the correct ingredients and the recipe went a bit cookoo... but hey when these semi improvised delectables came out of the oven they were divine!

Anywhooo, tomorrow I start school and I don't want to go back. I am going to miss these sloww days when I can just cozy up in front of the tv with my favorite blanket and a bowl of oatmeal (okay I realize that makes me sound like a lazy lump but admit it, we all need slow do nothing days every now and then)
School is pretty stressful for me... hopefully I can go back with my head held high and be carefree and stress free but based on how things have been in the past and I know they will be in the future, I'm not sure that's an option... But hey I'll try.
All I'm saying is I think I am going to need a day between Saturday and Sunday.....
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Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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Happy St. Patrick's Day! Do you remember just one year ago when I was just a few months into blogging and I told you how to dress on today's holiday? Looking back at that post I just look so young, and my photo editing was also so young... oyy... there are a few more St. Patty's posts from last year here, and here
 As for this St. Patrick's day... the warmth has fled (once again...) and it snowed! Can you believe it? I woke up and looked out my window and saw snow, it was super early and my mind was still sleepy so I went back to bed... I thought I was dreaming but when I looked out the window I wasn't mistaken, it had snowed, and a lot. Sadly however, by the time I got to taking the photos, when the snow had actually stopped, it had quickly started to melt-- there goes my extended Spring Break snow day :(

On another note regarding these photos, my camera was acting up today while I was testing out new settings and such, so pardon some blurriness etcetera and so forth...
 Saunders isn't really into posing with me... humph... 
The weather has been so moody lately and my skin has been so dry and knuckles cracked and all that uncomfortable stuff... Hopefully you can't even notice but I am not wearing any makeup in these photos just by the way, if you were wondering...
My dress was thrifted as were my shoes but my tights are from Target...
I hope everyone wore green and didn't get pinched! I did early this morning (thanks a lot mama that hurt) but then I changed and wore my green with Irish pride, woohoo! What did you all do this holiday? I go back to school tomorrow also, so that's fun. xoxolivia
ps. something that makes me happy...? this right hur:
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