Words With Sunday + Chapter 21

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Can Can! (again again...) My love for CanCan is nestled in the deep crevices of my heart, forever to remain and always to cherish. So you understand, I love Can Can... always have always will. 
This morning, my father got the typical Eggs Benedict with grilled tomato in place of the ham (go vegetarians!) I did not try it but he said it was oh so excellent....
 We shared a French Onion Soup... yum!
I ordered something new to me, cinnamon caramel orange waffles. And let me tell you folks, these were di-lish-i-o-so!! And so filling, I didn't even get to finishing the last two!

Yet again, another rainy day.... But at least rainy days call for cute umbrella shots!
We took my outfit photos at a little red train behind a school, I think it is used as a classroom or offices, I am not sure, but it was cute and super fun.
sweater // given to me by my dear friend Shelby
shirt // Gap
belt // vintage - costume
skirt // Forever 21, I love this skirt and I have had it for a while now but this was my first time wearing it out and I felt great in it! I love funky pencil skirts, the only down side is that I bought it online and since I couldn't try it on, I ordered a size a bit too big on mistake... 
tights // hand-me-downs
heels // vintage
earrings // given to me from my sister

I hope you all have a fantastic week! I can't wait for this rain to stop so the sun can shine and Spring can come out of hiding! xoxolivia.

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