Words With Sunday + Chapter 20

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Chapter twenty already, wow. So no we didn't go out to brunch today due my dads work, but if you read in my last post, I woke up super early and had a slow, chill, nice rainy day. 

I eventually got to taking photos the short five minutes the sun was out. It was cloudy but my kind of day. Personally, I love slow rainy days spent indoors. But get this today I, woke up, cleaned my room, did all my homework, did some watercoloring, watched High School Musical (yes, yes it did, and it was the sing-a-long version too oh yeah) went to the craft store, blogged, had a photoshoot, studied, made homemade henna, applied the henna to my body, edited lots of photos, blogged more, oh and cleaned a very very dirty kitchen. That's a lot, for a Sunday. 
outfit details: 
dress // Target
tights // Target
jacket // thrifted
hat // vintage
shoes // hand-me-down

Back to school again tomorrow, and shockingly enough, it is supposed to snow on Tuesday, spring where are you!?! Hey maybe we will get a snow day! (fingers crossed) xoxolivia.


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