The Adventures of S -- NOW LIVE!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Hey guys!
So if you know me well, then you'd know that I'm a sucker for a good blog design...
Also I kinda (like to think that I) have a way with graphic design, so on that note I have deigned my first blog! Well, my first blog that isn't mine...
I really love doing it and I thought that I could help other people out who want blog updates too!
I always look around and see people who are graphic designers and think, wow this is awesome I want them to design my blog, but then I see that they charge $100+ !! Then I'm just like... yeahhhh no. 
here's a little catch, I have decided to start a little business of my own... kinda.. a blog design business, yet IT'S ALL FREE!
I love helping others and making people happy, I'm still in school I don't really need a job (yet) plus I'm just starting out and learning the ways of HTML's and such. 
So just let me know if you ever want a blog design, or a blogger button, anything!
I'm your gal
and it's all free! :) :)

And here's what The Adventures of S now looks like :) :) 

This announcement is brought to you by:
(that's me!)


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Sunday, November 24, 2013

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would it be acceptable if I just took pictures of random things in my room every week and posted them? Okay good. 
Im doing that. 

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Words With Sunday + Chapter Six

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 Once again we went to Mint, since Emma came home we wanted to show her the nomaliciousness of Mint. See the previous review of Mint, Here!

 Honestly today was kinda a do nothing day, we all woke up late and went to brunch then napped. However, we did go to Carytown Cupcakes. Yum. 


 dress // thrifted 
jacket // Target
tights // hand-me-downs
booties // Old Navy
purse // Gifted, but Forever 21
earrings // gifted
I was absolutely feeeeeezzing today, not only was it below 30, there was also a lip-chapping wind. Oooooh it sure was my kind of weather! 
Have a fabulous week! 
Thanksgiving is coming up, I only have school until Tuesday this week so you know what that means.... NON STOP BLOGGING... well... more like nonstop sleeping, cuddling, and coco sipping while sitting in bed knitting and watching movies. 

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Cookie Party

Saturday, November 23, 2013

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It was a bake cookies, dance in your kitchen, and snuggle kind of day. 
Thanks Ally for these pics and our awesome kitchen interpretive dance parties.... ha..
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In The Dark Of The Night

Friday, November 22, 2013

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 Like my outfit? I look grundgy and I love it. 
I'm wearing a massive and amazingly comfy coat which when I bought it, it was originally $75 dollars, but it was on clearance for... drum roll... $TEN 
can I get a what what?!
jacket // Old Navy
shirt // Forever 21
jumper // hand-me-downs
tights // gifted
shoes // Doc Martin's 
clutch // TJ MaxX
hat // gifted
 And then it started raining..... 
Cheezin' larger than life.
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Words With Sunday + Chapter Five

Sunday, November 17, 2013

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  For brunch we went to a cool place in Carytown called "The Daily" 
Right up our alley, most everything is vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, organic, free range PERF!
The atmosphere is really really cool, open and very earthy, pretty granola. We sat outside which was nice, because the weather today was overcast with a cool breeze but really pretty. 
 Being honest, the food was okay. I'm sure that their lunch and dinner is much better, I would absolutely go back to try and see what other options that they have. 


im weird
oh wait...
you already knew that. 

 surprise my skirt is actually a dress!
Most everything that I am wearing is thrifted or gifted, besides:
tights // forever 21
socks // Target
booties // Old Navy

 exposure is my favorite editing tool let's be real.

swim deep.
just yes, so fabulous, does that make me an obscure hipster?
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Just Thinking...

Thursday, November 14, 2013

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I have been doing a lot of thinking and writing recently. 
I'm not sure why but my mind just continues to spit things out into my diary, I can stay up for hours just thinking about the future, the past, right now...
The possibilities are endless with my thoughts.
Things I have been thinking about recently consist of mainly the future:
+where I am going to live
+who I'm going to marry
+snow and it's snowflakes
+boys (ha)
+do I already know my husband?
+age and it's differences
+the environment
+social media
+growing up
On that note, let your mind explore new ideas and except your thoughts that come into your life and into your mind... they are there for a reason. 
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It's Too Cold For You Here

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

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It's cold in my room. 
it briefly snowed today.
time to snuggle up and get warm by the fire in fuzzy socks and knit scarves
stay warm xoxolivia
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Ten Reasons Why.

Monday, November 11, 2013


 It's fall
actually fall is coming to an end... 
and everyone knows what that means. Cold weather!
Ahh my favorite!

10 reasons why winter is the best of the best seasons
1. snow.
2. layering and clothing options are endless -- Helloooo tights!
3. snuggling, I mean who doesn't loooove being all cuddled up?
4. hot coco and mintbits aka my diet in the winter
5. Christmas movies and songs are always playing
6. everyone is always in a good mood, oh so holly and ever so jolly
7. the dark color pallet: black, blue, brown, grey, gold, silver!
8. holiday parties
9. family comes home, EMMAA!!!
10. the feeling of warmth inside your body while being wrapped up in layers, yet having the chilling air tickle your nose :)


Have a good week! 
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