Words With Sunday + Chapter Six

Sunday, November 24, 2013

 Once again we went to Mint, since Emma came home we wanted to show her the nomaliciousness of Mint. See the previous review of Mint, Here!

 Honestly today was kinda a do nothing day, we all woke up late and went to brunch then napped. However, we did go to Carytown Cupcakes. Yum. 


 dress // thrifted 
jacket // Target
tights // hand-me-downs
booties // Old Navy
purse // Gifted, but Forever 21
earrings // gifted
I was absolutely feeeeeezzing today, not only was it below 30, there was also a lip-chapping wind. Oooooh it sure was my kind of weather! 
Have a fabulous week! 
Thanksgiving is coming up, I only have school until Tuesday this week so you know what that means.... NON STOP BLOGGING... well... more like nonstop sleeping, cuddling, and coco sipping while sitting in bed knitting and watching movies. 

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