Saturday, January 28, 2017

dress- DIY // necklace- Forever 21

Hey everyone! It's 12:02 am on Sunday and I'm officially officially starting my nineteenth year. Yesterday was my birthday (january 28th) and the best one might I add. For starters, Nate came to Savannah to visit and celebrate with me, which was by far the best gift of all. Long distance is hard, he's not even here for two full days, so every second matters :) We (Cher, Alli, Nate, and I) began my birthday with brunch at my all time favorite spot in town, Collins Quarter, after that Nate and I went on photo adventures all over Savannah, I showed Nate around some of the SCAD buildings and we walked through pretty neighborhoods, sat in squares and just enjoyed the beauty of Savannah! Then it was pizza for dinner! After spending YEARS trying to find parking, we ate some delicious pizza and headed back to the dorm. I was under the impression we would hang out for a bit and then go out for some dessert with the roomies, BUT NO! We walk in the dorm and there are ALL my friends! Balloons, cake, presents, candles, decorations the WHOLE surprise shebang! I couldn't believe it! I've never been surprised like that in my life! I have the most incredible friends!!

Overall it was one of my favorite birthdays to date. The day would not be made as special as it was if it weren't for my fabulous roomies, fantastic friends and wonderful wonderful boyfriend :) Thank you to everyone for making me the happiest birthday girl around!! Lots of love to all those involved in making me feel so so special :) you mean the world to me :) xo

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Savannah Spotlight: Forsyth Park

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

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Good Morning loves :) Today for the Savannah Spotlight feature I'm "spotlighting" Forsyth Park! A few weekends ago my friends and I went to Forsyth for a picnic and everything was SO beautiful! If you remember my farmers market post, that happens in Forsyth every Saturday. Forsyth is a mile around, slip in half with a full field for what ever hula hooping, pickup soccer playing, sunbathing, or guitar picking you desire and the other half more of your classic Savannah Square layout, overhanging trees, many paths, patches of grass with people reading or doing yoga in, benches, and all that jazz.

Forsyth is probably most known for its beautiful fountain right in the center. The one downside to it is that my dorms aren't the closest, and I don't really get out there as much as I wish I could. It's around a thirty minute walk, which totally isn't that bad, but I'm a busy bee and I have to be really free to make it out there. Although I don't recommend going at night, during the day it's constantly bustling with activity. If you visit Savannah, be sure to check out Forsyth, at least to walk though it is so so beautiful. There are also tons of cafés, boutiques and other stores lining it, so it's not just in the middle of nowhere. But like I said, just check it out during the day, and probably not at night, many things in Savannah get quite a bit "sketchier" at night, just being honest with y'all. BUT! It is seriously so so beautiful and I highly recommend checking it out when you visit :) Enjoy! xo
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My Me Undies!!

Sunday, January 22, 2017

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Hello loves! I'm back at it again teaming up with MeUndies! This time around sporting the CUTEST ladybug-like cheeky briefs, some funky striped ones, and a super sweet artsy blue painted pair!! As always, MeUndies continues to be the SOFTEST and COMFIEST underwear out there! I HIGHLY recommend buying MeUndies as soon as possible for yourself, your children, your significant others, your mailman, your elementary school teacher, the volunteer at your local aquarium and pretty much every single person you know because they rock so WHY THE HECK NOT!? If you read my last MeUndies post you already know how much I love them, just how wonderful they are, how affordable and worth it they are to buy asap. So! In this post I'm just showing off the cute styles and how I incorporated them in my daily life here in Savannah, from exercise, beach days, and just cozying up with a good book and some tea :) I hope y'all enjoy and buy them soon! xo
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Saturday, January 21, 2017

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tshirt- Daisy Natives 

HELLO! As you all [SHOULD] know, today, January 21, 2017, was the Women's March on Washington. Unfortunately, due to school, having way too much work, a short weekend, and lack of transportation, I was unable to make it up to Washington, D.C. for the march, BUT! There was a satellite march HERE IN SAVANNAH! So OBVIOUSLY I went! It was ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE to stand beside such inspiring motivated people who are NOT willing to give up on what they believe in. Yesterday I was heartbroken about the reality of our country and today I stood up and am endlessly proud to call myself a woman in America. Thank you to everyone who came out, I loved meeting so many new and inspiring friends, you know who you are, stay GOLDEN!!! I hope y'all enjoy this video. Today was fantastic :) PLEASE comment down below any of your thoughts/words of wisdom/if you marched your stories and experience!!!

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Thursday, January 19, 2017

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heart choker // love potion mug // heart sunglasses // pj set // xo ring // blossom lip gloss // love potion iphone case // comme de garcons sneakers //

GUYS! It's a little over halfway through January, which means it's basically February, which means it's BASICALLY Valentine's Day!!! SO! In the spirit of the month of luvvvv I thought I'd share my Valentine's Day wish list/gift guide for every price range! Brands like Ban.do and Forever 21 are already ALL OVER Valentine's Day gifts, which I LOVE.

Valentine's Day (besides Christmas) is my favorite holiday! It always has been and always will be. I have such great memories of my mom coming in to my second grade class with strawberry cupcakes with pink frosting and super cute little plastic hearts stuck into the tops, or always being decked out head to toe in pink and red, writing love letters to every person I knew late the night before, and stomach aches that never seemed to go away because I was never NOT eating some kind of chocolate or gummy candy. What's NOT to love?! And then last year I spent it with Nate which was super fun. All of us in my dorm are in long distance relationships and Valentine's Day is on a Tuesday this year, so I'm thinking we are going to order a few heart shaped pizzas, eat a lot of chocolate and watch a LOT of rom-coms. Sounds like the best girls night to me! Eeeeeeeep! I'm so excited! I hope this post at least sort of gets you in the spirit for the love month :) Happy Lovin! xo 
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Savannah Spotlight: Below Zero Rolled Ice Cream

Saturday, January 14, 2017

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Ever heard of rolled ice cream? You know, the super cool Thai inspired ice cream that is insanely fun and always so delicious? Yeah? yeah. Well we are so so lucky and have one of the few rolled ice cream spots right here in Savannah on Broughton Street!! This is not the first time I've been to Below Zero, it's actually probably my favorite spot in all of Savannah to get ice cream! So naturally, a Savannah Spotlight was highly necessary for this place :) Something sort of funny about this place is that it's connected to a seafood restaurant!? Yeah, I know so strange. So the ice cream magic is in the front and while you are waiting in line to get what you really came for (ice cream) you are standing next to the ordering counter for the seafood restaurant! I'm not really sure how they've worked it out, but it seems to be working for them. I'm pretty sure they are two separate entities but just share the same front door and space, I really have no clue.

Today I went with Lauren! Unfortunately every single table was full, I don't know if they were eating seafood or ice cream or what, but it was pretty packed. But of course it being a beautiful day, we just walked to a nearby square, I believe it was Reynolds Square if you are familiar with Historic Savannah. It was so beautiful! What's better than DELICIOUS ice cream, great friends and BEAUTIFUL scenery?! Not much if I'm honest... Oh and as for the price: for one cup, there aren't different sizes, it comes with I believe 6 rolls, whatever toppings come with your flavor, so for me I got smores so that comes with a gram cracker and a marshmallow, and three additional toppings all for $6. It's hard to finish one whole bowl, honestly we went at 1pm, it's 12:25 am right now and I'm STILL feeling full. Six doll hairs sounds sort of steep for ice cream but it's WORTH IT. Honestly beyond worth it. Everything about Below Zero is amazing. Basically if you come to Savannah, it's a must have :) If you ever do go, let me know what you think!

Below Zero is located on 116 E. Broughton St, Savannah, GA 31401
Open Monday-Thursday 11am-9pm
Friday-Saturday 11am-10pm
Sundays 12pm-9pm
and a little reminder ^ :)
hope your weekend is fabulous! xo
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Thunderbird Inn

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dress- Brandy Melville // shoes- adidas baseline neo // sunnies- Beacon's closet // tattoo- Tattly 

Good morning everyone and happy weekend! Can you believe that January is already half way over? Because I can't, time truly FLIES when you're having fun! (hehehe) But for real, since being back everything has been non-stop fun. I absolutely love everything about it here in good ol' Sunny Savannah. From spontaneous photoshoots, to beach trips, movie dates, and picnics, there is ALWAYS something to do here, the fun never stops!! Although, here's the thing, yes, I'm in school, and no, I'm not on any kind of vacation. So even though I talk about all the great crazy fun I'm having, what you don't see or hear about are the endless piles of work I have, the late nights finishing projects and constantly having to go in for extra help. So yeah, I'm in a pretty incredible place, and being able to study here is so amazing, but the truth is the work never ends. So don't y'all think I'm slacking off or anything with all my fun adventures, here at SCAD we work out lil butts off day in and day out, so then come time of the weekend we can do fun things like beach trips, photoshoots, and picnics. Just thought I'd clarify that for all the folks back home.

Anyway, this LOCATION! Okay so the Thunderbird Inn is a motel literally inches away from the SCAD freshman dorms, so I'm always passing by it and have ALWAYS, since day one wanted to take photos here. So I was hella happy to be able to take some time out of a busy yesterday with Julia to snap these pics! Also while we were there the manager of the motel came out and was like, "um mams, is this for a project or somethin?" and we were like, "yessssss" and he told us that we had to fill out some sign in sheet, just to write our names and what it was for, for their files and what not, and we got free popcorn and hot chocolate with marshmallows and chocolate chips! Not only did we get some super cute pics, but we also got snacks! Woohoo!!! But basically the moral of this story is, shoot in cool retro motels and you will get yummy hot chocolate, even  though its 80 degrees out.

As for this outfit, there isn't much to say about it except for the fact that since shooting here I wanted to wear something, flowey and retro. So Sammi let me borrow this dress and yeah! That's pretty much it! Go Sammi! Go SCAD! Go Bees!

Have a fabulous long weekend. xo
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