Thunderbird Inn

Saturday, January 14, 2017

dress- Brandy Melville // shoes- adidas baseline neo // sunnies- Beacon's closet // tattoo- Tattly 

Good morning everyone and happy weekend! Can you believe that January is already half way over? Because I can't, time truly FLIES when you're having fun! (hehehe) But for real, since being back everything has been non-stop fun. I absolutely love everything about it here in good ol' Sunny Savannah. From spontaneous photoshoots, to beach trips, movie dates, and picnics, there is ALWAYS something to do here, the fun never stops!! Although, here's the thing, yes, I'm in school, and no, I'm not on any kind of vacation. So even though I talk about all the great crazy fun I'm having, what you don't see or hear about are the endless piles of work I have, the late nights finishing projects and constantly having to go in for extra help. So yeah, I'm in a pretty incredible place, and being able to study here is so amazing, but the truth is the work never ends. So don't y'all think I'm slacking off or anything with all my fun adventures, here at SCAD we work out lil butts off day in and day out, so then come time of the weekend we can do fun things like beach trips, photoshoots, and picnics. Just thought I'd clarify that for all the folks back home.

Anyway, this LOCATION! Okay so the Thunderbird Inn is a motel literally inches away from the SCAD freshman dorms, so I'm always passing by it and have ALWAYS, since day one wanted to take photos here. So I was hella happy to be able to take some time out of a busy yesterday with Julia to snap these pics! Also while we were there the manager of the motel came out and was like, "um mams, is this for a project or somethin?" and we were like, "yessssss" and he told us that we had to fill out some sign in sheet, just to write our names and what it was for, for their files and what not, and we got free popcorn and hot chocolate with marshmallows and chocolate chips! Not only did we get some super cute pics, but we also got snacks! Woohoo!!! But basically the moral of this story is, shoot in cool retro motels and you will get yummy hot chocolate, even  though its 80 degrees out.

As for this outfit, there isn't much to say about it except for the fact that since shooting here I wanted to wear something, flowey and retro. So Sammi let me borrow this dress and yeah! That's pretty much it! Go Sammi! Go SCAD! Go Bees!

Have a fabulous long weekend. xo

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