Saturday, January 28, 2017

dress- DIY // necklace- Forever 21

Hey everyone! It's 12:02 am on Sunday and I'm officially officially starting my nineteenth year. Yesterday was my birthday (january 28th) and the best one might I add. For starters, Nate came to Savannah to visit and celebrate with me, which was by far the best gift of all. Long distance is hard, he's not even here for two full days, so every second matters :) We (Cher, Alli, Nate, and I) began my birthday with brunch at my all time favorite spot in town, Collins Quarter, after that Nate and I went on photo adventures all over Savannah, I showed Nate around some of the SCAD buildings and we walked through pretty neighborhoods, sat in squares and just enjoyed the beauty of Savannah! Then it was pizza for dinner! After spending YEARS trying to find parking, we ate some delicious pizza and headed back to the dorm. I was under the impression we would hang out for a bit and then go out for some dessert with the roomies, BUT NO! We walk in the dorm and there are ALL my friends! Balloons, cake, presents, candles, decorations the WHOLE surprise shebang! I couldn't believe it! I've never been surprised like that in my life! I have the most incredible friends!!

Overall it was one of my favorite birthdays to date. The day would not be made as special as it was if it weren't for my fabulous roomies, fantastic friends and wonderful wonderful boyfriend :) Thank you to everyone for making me the happiest birthday girl around!! Lots of love to all those involved in making me feel so so special :) you mean the world to me :) xo


  1. I'm a bit late with this, but HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY! Also, what a fun dress, I really like the little pom-poms!


  2. happy bday! can you do a dorm tour bc from the pics you posted it looks amazing!


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