Friday In Boulder

Saturday, November 29, 2014

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 Sleeping in, today we spent the day on Pearl street doing some shopping and perusing. 
Then ended the day with a beautiful hike!!
Which of course....
Ended up in a photo shoot... so typical haha
 Oh... and we all bought matching headbands too hehe
 Always jumping pictures
 Saunders always got REALLY high! How?! Seriously... look how awkward I am, lol this photo is so funny
 And then there was an amazing sunset, and lot and lots of wind.
So much love for my family!!
What are your favorite places to travel with family? xo
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(mini) Tour of Emma's House!

Friday, November 28, 2014

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 Just a few photos of my favorite nooks in Emma's house here in Boulder :)
 One of my favorite things about Emma's house is that nearly every wall has some sort of collage on it, even if its super simple... I love it all! 
Very inspirational actually
I'm so excited for when I'm in/out of college and I can do up my very own house just like Emma :)

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Happiest of Happy Thanksgiving :)

Thursday, November 27, 2014

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hahaha I just love this photo... post grocery shopping for our very vegetarian Thanksgiving dinner :)
so without further ado...
 We spent all day in the kitchen creating master pieces.
 marshmallow eyes
 This Thanksgiving for the first time ever, we traveled to Boulder, Colorado to visit my sister. I have to say, it has probably been the best Thanksgiving yet. Not only was the food great (heh heh probs cause I cooked a lot of it wink wink) but I am surrounded by the people I love most, and in the absolute most beautiful place on earth. I am so lucky to be able to experience the joy of traveling and having an amazing family that I love, and loves me so so dearly. 

Tomorrow, we are going to go down to Pearl Street and shop around a bit. I can't wait, Emma said that there are a bunch of stores that she's been dying to show me. 
I love Boulder!!
How was your Thanksgiving?
xo.Olivia <3
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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

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 We're heading to Boulder, Colorado for Thanksgiving and I cannot wait!

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Black, White and an Off-Yellow

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

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 This sweater I recently bought from Ross, and I am IN LOVE it is so SO soft and lamby. Perfect for this winter!
shirt- h+m // sweater- Ross // jeans- IZod (thrifted and up-cycled) // shoes- thrifted // earrings - handmade // belt- Target

I just love dressing all slouchy, big and baggy loose and lovely is such a fantastic trend that I'm loving. Who cares about shape? It's no longer about having a tiny waist and luscious curves... It's all about being comfortable and feeling good in my book. 
And I for one, feel great.
Especially with my new cut!

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It's Winter, It Really Is....

Monday, November 24, 2014

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 Wowy... It has been sooo cold these past few weeks. I love winter, but I hate the cold when you're standing outside the car waiting for the driver to unlock the passenger doors as you shiver. Or when you think that wearing leggings underneath your jeans is a good idea to say warm, when in reality, the blood flow has stopped in your legs, it's uncomfortable, and you still aren't warm... 

Luckily! Today was a bit more warm, well not exactly warm just not freezing. Which I guess is a little treat before we go to Colorado and freeze our little tails off in the mountains over Thanksgiving...
 dress- Forever 21 // jacket- Target (last year) // socks- Forever 21 // boots- Forever 21 (surprise surprise!)
Are you just in love with this ring?! Or is that just me...
My mom gave it to me as a gift, she got it from Etsy! Monica Retana makes the best jewlery if you are into making a statement. Check her out!

Happy Monday :)
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Words With Sunday + Chapter 33

Sunday, November 23, 2014

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To finish off my extremely busy weekend of birthday parties and fashion shows (posts coming soon) ... we ate close to home for brunch, a place called Azzuros. Having been there for dinner many times and loooovvvving their classic Italian, we were excited to try it for brunch! Unfortunatly... it's really a dinner place, brunch wasn't that spectacular. Saunders and I had a tough time deciding what to order, simply because there was so few that was appealing! 
If you're thinking about going to Azzuros, dinner or lunch is the time!

I ended up getting a margarita pizza, only because it's all I knew was good, and weirdly was on the brunch menu... However, Papa did enjoy his eggs benedict, Saunders said his pancakes were "okay"
 This is one of my FAVORITE thrift finds, this midi dress is timeless, its flowey-flounceyness and deep colors make it perfect for fall. It is so light weight and still a statement! One of my favorites in my closet by far...
 These shoes my mother and grandmother bought for me at a local thrift store. Not typically something that I would pick out, but their metallic snakeskin print is TDF! Plus, since they are lace up, like most heals-- you don't have to worry about your heels slipping out or clenching your toes when you walk, they are a perfect fit!
 Oh and hey... I chopped off all my hair!
A post about that coming soon!!
 dress- vintage thrifted // shoes - bcbg // belt - forever 21 // purse - Ashby's
p.s. it's still a little pink in the back!! :O
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