It's Winter, It Really Is....

Monday, November 24, 2014

 Wowy... It has been sooo cold these past few weeks. I love winter, but I hate the cold when you're standing outside the car waiting for the driver to unlock the passenger doors as you shiver. Or when you think that wearing leggings underneath your jeans is a good idea to say warm, when in reality, the blood flow has stopped in your legs, it's uncomfortable, and you still aren't warm... 

Luckily! Today was a bit more warm, well not exactly warm just not freezing. Which I guess is a little treat before we go to Colorado and freeze our little tails off in the mountains over Thanksgiving...
 dress- Forever 21 // jacket- Target (last year) // socks- Forever 21 // boots- Forever 21 (surprise surprise!)
Are you just in love with this ring?! Or is that just me...
My mom gave it to me as a gift, she got it from Etsy! Monica Retana makes the best jewlery if you are into making a statement. Check her out!

Happy Monday :)

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