Thursday, December 31, 2015

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HELLO!! Happy New Years Eve!! Can you believe 2015 is already OVER?! God knows I can't. It feels like just yesterday I was making resolutions for 2015, and now I need to make some for 2016. What the heck!? 2016 is most possibly going to be the biggest year of all for me. So much is happening! But I'll save that for another post... Now, let's take a look back on 2015, at the highlights the lowlights and all the lights in between. Here we go!
 First things first, in January, I turned 17! READ MORE
 I quit blogging for a bit. I was in a rut and needed a break. READ MORE
I went to INDIA! What an incredible trip! READ MORE 1, 2, 3
I wrote and article for LIKE A LOCAL Magazine! Check it out!!!

I FINALLY upped my photography game and got a 50mm lens! READ MORE
I visited my (soon to be) new home and FAVORITE city in America EVER, Savannah! READ MORE
I did an internship with a store called Verdalina! READ MORE
Spent the summer with the most INCREDIBLE group of girls at Camp Merrie-Woode as a Junior Counselor! READ MORE 1, 2
I did a BUNCH of awesome collaborations and giveaways! READ MORE
I FINALLY went back to the beach with my family and had a WONDERFUL time! READ MORE
I cut myself bangs! Which I then immediately regretted... My forehead isn't big enough for them to look normal on me.. yuck. READ MORE
I started posting to my YouTube channel more and really loved making all sorts of videos! READ MORE
I think I finally got the hand of making healthy smoothie bowls and jars! READ MORE
And finally, I spent lots of time with some of my best friends :) READ MORE
And as always, never quit takin pics and doing photoshoots :) READ MORE
Also, here is my Instagram review of 2015 thanks to insta :)
So all in all, 2015 was a fabulous year. Thanks to everyone who made it so SO amazing!! :) See you next year! xo
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Thoughts Like Summer

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On me: shirt and jeans- Forever 21 // necklace- Show The Love
On Ally: shirt- // sweater and hat- target // jeans- Lucky brand // shirt- Forever 21

In just a few days, I start the second semester of my senior year. Lately it's felt like summer outside and it makes me feel like college is only a minute away. And I'm gunna be honest, I have quite a few fears about going into the whole "on my own" thing. So here we go:

1. What am I going to do with out my best friends? What will it be like leaving my them and going to make new ones?
2. What if I actually become the definition of a starving artist because I'm spending too much money on project supplies instead of food?
3. I always say, "I don't want to be that person who forever lives in high school, I can't wait to get out of this place." But I'm actually really happy right now, I love high school, and I never want to leave. What happens when I do?
4. What if my roommate is psycho?! Or like really messy, or never sleeps, or worse, SCREAMS IN HER SLEEP?!
5. I'm going to be seven hours from home, who do I go to when I'm sick?
6. We are moving in the spring, will I have enough time to make that place feel like home during the summer so when I come back for breaks from school I wont be coming back to a HOUSE but a HOME?
7. What if being in an environment where for once I'm NOT the only fashion blogger or fashionista kinda gal, but one in a million, makes me want to give up cause competition is too tough?!
8. I feel like I'm eternally twelve years old, twelve year olds aren't supposed to go to college, they're too young! Am I ready?

Wellllll yeah that's all for now. Hey, eight months. I got this. Right?

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Favorite Color

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

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dress and jacket- Forever 21 // shoes- Hidden Fashion

Pink is my absolute, no questions asked, all time favorite and I mean FAVORITE color!! It's lovely, bright, and just radiates happiness. Pink is so incredible to wear if you want to feel like a true superstar, and I feel exactly like that in this dress!! I recently got it from Forever 21 and am TOTALLY in love! I have to thank Ally 100% for it though, she was the one who brought it to me saying, "try this on, you have to, do it now." She was right... I love it!

So the reason most of the photos are super giggly, smiley and jumpy is because pretty much the entire time shooting these we were being watched by construction workers and other random people coming in and out of the Virginia Eye Institute, (PSA: the eye institute is a fantastic place to take photos) But yeah my "don't judge me I'm a fashion blogger" awkwardness came out. Whatevers it made for some cute pics :) xo

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Blueberry Strawberry Smoothie Bowl!

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Good Morning! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend <3 mine was fabulous, Christmas was amazing and everything was so SO splendid :) This morning I tried my hand once again at making another smoothie bowl. But okay, this time I think I've got it down to a science.

So FIRST what you need to do is cut all your fruits and then put them back in the fridge while you make the smoothie part. Otherwise you'll make the smoothie and then everything will melt while you're cutting and then sink and it's just super duper sad. Also, unlike last time, I actually used a pretty flat bowl instead of a small deep bowl, which made it all overflow and spill EVERYWHERE. Ugh that was a mess.... but this time it was GREAT!

Here's what I used:
       For the smoothie- straight up frozen blueberries and frozen strawberries
       For the top- kiwi, blackberries, starfruit, banana, banana walnut granola, hemp seeds, chia seeds, and buckwheat seeds

And that's it! It was SO delicious and SO easy!! Enjoy :)
Oh! Also, if you do ever make anything from my blog and post it on instagram feel free to tag me in it and I'll take a peek! :)

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Wrap Up

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

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top- Forever 21 // skirt- H+M // shoes- ShoeMint // hat- Target

Good Evening Babes! Today Ally and I got together for the hot second while it wasn't raining (it's been pouring for a million days straight I swear) and it was actually a LOT of fun! We hit up a bunch of locations and nailed a ton of outfits! Go us! Bffs 4 lyfe ;D

Anyway, yesterday I went to Forever 21 to use a gift card I got for Christmas and let me tell you, I got a pretty dang great haul. This top included. How AWESOME is this top?! It's so SO incredibly comfy and super duper flattering.

Alright dudes, I'm loosing a battle with my eyelids in trying to keep them open and really need to get to bed. Sorry this post was so short! I've been getting zero and I mean ZERO sleep lately, idk why. But I love you all so so much! xo

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Fruity Smoothie Jars!!!

Saturday, December 26, 2015

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Good morning babes! Feeling like you ate waaaay too much chocolate and Christmas cookies this past week? Heck, I know I did. It's time for something healthy, and TOTALLY delicious to come your way. with, SMOOTHIE JARS WOOHOO!!!! And they're super easy to make! All you need is some frozen fruit for blending and some fresh fruit and seeds and such for layering and making it look beautiful!

For this go-round, I used:
       For the blending- frozen bananas, strawberries and mangos
       For the layering- pomegranates, kiwi, blueberries, hemp seeds, and chia seeds.
All easy to find delicious stuff!

So here's the one thing that gets tricky, when making it, the smoothie part can melt pretty dang fast, so what Joanna and I did (I made these with Joanna) was after each layer or so, we'd put them in the freezer while we prepared our next layer.

And that's it! They're super fun and easy to make and totally pretty! Have fun and enjoy :) xo

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Holiday Reds

Monday, December 21, 2015

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dress- asos // crown- DIY

Happy Monday! Yes, Monday can in fact be a lovely happy thing, that is if you're me and you don't have school... mwahahah. Anyway, so even if it is going to be 73 or something degrees on Christmas this year, I'm still doing my best to get into the holiday spirit. And in doing that I pulled out my old Christmas flower crown and believe it or not my prom dress from last year... good stuff good stuff...
What are you guys doing to get into the holiday spirit? xo
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