The Birthday Chronicles 15/16 Not My Tartan Dress

Friday, January 31, 2014

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I'm falling in this photo ^^.....
So if you were following along during The Birthday Chronicles then you may know that one of the things I wanted to do was "thrift a tartan dress" well, that never happened. :(
But this is a dress I have had literally all my life and have worn it twice. TWICE! crazy I know... and when I finally decided it was actually adorable, it was too small, bleh. 
dress // Jean Bright
sweater // Target
boots // Ross
watch // Casio, Target -- I thought since I always forget to take my watch off for photos I may as well just let you know where it's from...

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It's Been A While Since I've Photographed My Room So I Will Now

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It's colorful, full of knick-knacks and memories in photo frames, anything and everything I love is here, or was-- everyone's left their mark. xoxolivia.

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Birthday Chronicles 14/16 - On My Day

Thursday, January 30, 2014

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The Birthday Girls! 
I had a good day at school, everyone wished me happy birthday it was fabulous!
For dinner we went to an Italian place right down the street from my house called, Azzuro's it was tres bon! 
cake number two....
And then home for MORE gifts!!! Who knew? I thought that I got all of my gifts on Sunday but no! 
cake number three... I finally after all of those cakes got to eat my favorite cake of all time, strawberry with chocolate icing :) I've had it every single year since one of my first birthdays 
sweet sixteen never felt so good ;) xoxolivia.
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When No One Is Willing To Take Photos Of Me And Automatic Mode Isn't Great

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so most of these photos are blurry or in motion because I couldn't quite convince anyone in my family that taking photos of me in 20 degree weather would be fun... and my camera doesn't quite suffice because you have to put it on automatic mode and self timer doesn't like that...... also I don't have a tripod but a stepladder..... so that's another fault... 
shirt // gifted, F21
jacket // F21
pants // F21
boots // Old Navy
bracelet // Gifted
ring // Gifted
earrings // Gifted....... sorry
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Birthday Chronicles 13/16 - IT SNOWED!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

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I got my wish; IT SNOWED!!!!! 
You don't even know how happy I was/am because now we don't have school and I got to sleep in and finish up homework and such that I didn't get done on my birthday haha xoxolivia.

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Birthday Chronicles 12/16 - Pre Birthday Birthday

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On Sunday Emma and I both were surprised by a birthday celebration! Emma's birthday is on the sixteenth of January, she turned 21 and went back to school where all of her friends are and they all celebrated there... My dad left for a fishing trip they day before my birthday. My mom wanted us to all celebrate with the entire family, so we celebrated on Sunday! I had no clue, I was just about in bed that night when I was summoned downstairs... it was so fun :)
we strongly believe in breaking out randomly into dance numbers. 
So I am officially 16 (as of yesterday...) 
I have loads of things to post... but I will try to spread them out a bit, sorry my bday chronicles didn't end right on my bday as I hoped... xoxolivia.

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Birthday Chronicles 11/16 Birthday's Eve

Monday, January 27, 2014

so I am going to be sixteen tomorrow...
I don't own any of these photos or gifs and I saved them a long time ago but I love them, they are so partylicious! So wowza, sixteen, sweet sixteen, already! Just think, maybe 10 years from now I will be still blogging saying, wow, 26, im so OLD! hahaha, time just flies I guess :)

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Birthday Chronicles 10/16 - NYC VIDEO!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

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New York City Sweet Sixteen from Olivia on Vimeo.

I know I promised that it would be posted last night... But I fell asleep watching SNL and just had to go to bed...
But here is the video of my sweet sixteen!!! I had such a great time and I can't wait for our birthday on Tuesday, the fun never ends! If you all remember, Ally (my bff) and I have the same birthday, so we are basically bound to be twins ;)
enjoy! xoxolivia
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Words With Sunday + Chapter 12 (belated, but from NYC!)

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early city mornings sure do us justice, just look at those sleepy faces... awwwwww...
crepes, fancy hot chocolate, nothing gets better than this!!! (Well.... I'm actually not a huge crepe person, and the hot chocolate was kinda bitter) BUT STILL AWESOME! 
*sketchy man staring straight into the camera your soul*
sweater // Need Supply Co.
dress // Ally's - F21
pants // F21 (yes I am SO wearing a dress and pants, don't deny it, you know I can totally rock it)
scarf // Old Navy
socks // Old Navy
booties // Old Navy
it was an Old Navy, Forever 21 kind of day isn't it......
sup saunders
we explored!!! The best way to live life, just by exploring and finding all of it's little bursts of amazement :) xoxolivia.
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