Monday, July 23, 2018

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Good Morning! Back when I was in Savannah last week, I got together with my friend Rosie to do a little photoshoot around my new neighborhood. Rosie will be a freshman this fall at SCAD, she is from Savannah and we have shot together in the past.

It felt really good to be back in my element in Sav shooting and collaborating with friends. I am so excited to get back to SCAD full time and be more active in the studio and out and about with friends and cameras. Photoshooting is probably one of my favorite things to do at SCAD!!

To be honest, I am excited just to get back in general. Don't get me wrong, I LOVED Hong Kong, but it was more of a vacation than it was school. I'm really looking forward to getting back in the groove of class life at SCAD, it has been so long! Being in the city last week setting up my apartment really REALLY got me pumped, I'm so beyond ready to live there full time and start up my classes. I have SUCH a good feeling about the year!

Anyway, I love these photos and I hope you do too :)
That's all! xo, O

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Sunday, July 22, 2018

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shirt- Femfetti

HEY HEY!! Today I am super excited to share with you some photos from my collaboration with Femfetti! If you don't know Femfetti, get ready because they are the brand for every boss babe, every rainbow loving, living life to the fullest kind of gal!

Today was kind of a dreary day, Ally and I had planned to take these photos and it started downpouring on us! The message I wanted to send when wearing this shirt was all about self love, I was so bummed that it turned out to be so stormy!

But I realized, ya know what, why would you stop loving yourself just because of one little blip! All of us ladies are beautiful, strong queens who deserve to sparkle rain OR shine!!

So, I grabbed my bubble umbrella and danced in the rain, embracing myself in every element! Self love can be tough, but I am falling in love with myself more and more each day! You could say I'm catchin' feelings :)

Shop Femfetti here!

xo, O

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Wednesday, July 18, 2018

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HEY GUYS! This is a quick post, but I wanted to share my move in experience with you all! This fall I will finally be moving off campus and into my first ever apartment! It is the perfect apartment for me and I am absolutely so SO in love! Just watch the video, you'll see and I'm sure you'll totally agree, how could you not! Let me know what you think xo, O
More posts coming soon :)
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Tuesday, July 3, 2018

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Hey hey! Notice some changes around here? Not only the layout but the name? Yeah... It is a long story, a story that I am finally ready to tell, TODAY!

If this is your first time here, congrats! Welcome! Stay a while!
But if not and you're used to the blog All Those Little Things, sit back, relax, and accept the change, it's good!
Way back in December of my freshman year of high school I was sitting in study hall with my best friend Ally when she showed me all the cool blogs she followed, I was so inspired I wanted to start one too. But of what I had no idea. Beauty evolved into travel, which evolved into lifestyle, which left me in a slump wondering what the heck I would blog about since none of those previous topics were things I was actually passionate about, but what I was passionate about? Fashion, and All Those Little Things fashion blog was born.

Where'd the name come from you ask? Basically all I have to back that up is the fact that I was a HUGE One Direction fan and named my blog after my favorite song, Little Things. Simple as that honestly.

But I will be completely honest, even though I had to (and I'll get to that) I had played around a bit with changing my blog name to Olive Barrett. My Instagram name is @OliveBarrett, and the rebrand to make things more cohesive seemed to make sense, but I wasn't ready to commit.
It wasn't until I went to Hong Kong when it became necessary. I started to notice glitches whenever I would post and tag the location as Hong Kong, my posts would quit out and I would have to pick up from whatever old place it autosaved. It was annoying but I didn't think much about it.

About three weeks into being abroad, my blog completely shut down. Umm, excuse me WHAT?! I know, it was so frustrating. It wasn't until a bit later when I found out that Google Domains doesn't actually host blogs that are located in certain countries, Hong Kong was one of those... frustrating.

I suppose someone had been watching my site in hopes that I would one day forget to pay for my domain, or ya know, move to Hong Kong, because the moment it disabled, someone swooped under me and bought it! They tried to sell it, probably hoping I would buy it back, but the starting bid they set was for over SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS! Too much, way too much. I love my blog but just between us, I have a little over $75 in my bank account on a good day.
It wasn't until I got home from Hong Kong when I was able to make the call to Google and figure out what the heck was up. They told me that the only thing I could do was to buy a new domain. On the phone with the helpful customer service gal, she gave me what felt like two split seconds to think of a new domain name so I just spit out Olive Barrett!

But I'm actually glad I did. I had been thinking of it for a little bit, and since I changed my email I was due for new business cards anyway. So lots of things are in for some change, I'm actually quite excited about this you guys!! And hopefully you are too! I honestly can't imagine that any of you are or were incredibly attached to the name All Those Little Things and are offended in any way? Maybe some Directioners, but I don't know how that would even play out, we are all on the same team here! It's the same me, same style, same spunk, same love for brunch and pugs, same me!

So subscribe to email newsletters, follow me on Instagram, you won't want to miss a post! This is going to be good you guys :) Until next time, xo, O!

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Sunday, July 1, 2018

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HAPPY JULY! It is officially the middle of summer, it is officially the time for beaching, fireworks and festivities, especially festivities! With the 4th right around the corner, it's time to start prepping! This year I am headed to the beach with Matt and his family, it will be a lot of fun! But you better believe I had a preparty with my friends. Loaded with snacks, laughs, and of course... good clothes, we had a wonderful time! 

Thanks to Old Navy, we were able to all look our best. Old Navy's got it all when it comes to dressing up in our stars and stripes! Seriously you guys, I'm stocked for the entire summer on all things red white and blue! And you can be too! Like the outfits we are wearing? Shop the links below each photo or find them in stores :) 

Happy shopping and Happy Fourth of July! xo, O
 gingham slides // red slides
 white jumpsuit // tie front top // striped shift dress
 tassel tie flutter sleeve dress
 California cut offs
 location graphic tee
 sleeveless swing dress
 "be you and stay amazing" (USA) tee // red pants
 off the shoulder gingham top
I hope everyone has a safe holiday week full of fun and, of course, fashion :)
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