Sunday, July 22, 2018

shirt- Femfetti

HEY HEY!! Today I am super excited to share with you some photos from my collaboration with Femfetti! If you don't know Femfetti, get ready because they are the brand for every boss babe, every rainbow loving, living life to the fullest kind of gal!

Today was kind of a dreary day, Ally and I had planned to take these photos and it started downpouring on us! The message I wanted to send when wearing this shirt was all about self love, I was so bummed that it turned out to be so stormy!

But I realized, ya know what, why would you stop loving yourself just because of one little blip! All of us ladies are beautiful, strong queens who deserve to sparkle rain OR shine!!

So, I grabbed my bubble umbrella and danced in the rain, embracing myself in every element! Self love can be tough, but I am falling in love with myself more and more each day! You could say I'm catchin' feelings :)

Shop Femfetti here!

xo, O

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