Monday, July 23, 2018

Good Morning! Back when I was in Savannah last week, I got together with my friend Rosie to do a little photoshoot around my new neighborhood. Rosie will be a freshman this fall at SCAD, she is from Savannah and we have shot together in the past.

It felt really good to be back in my element in Sav shooting and collaborating with friends. I am so excited to get back to SCAD full time and be more active in the studio and out and about with friends and cameras. Photoshooting is probably one of my favorite things to do at SCAD!!

To be honest, I am excited just to get back in general. Don't get me wrong, I LOVED Hong Kong, but it was more of a vacation than it was school. I'm really looking forward to getting back in the groove of class life at SCAD, it has been so long! Being in the city last week setting up my apartment really REALLY got me pumped, I'm so beyond ready to live there full time and start up my classes. I have SUCH a good feeling about the year!

Anyway, I love these photos and I hope you do too :)
That's all! xo, O

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