Green Green

Sunday, May 31, 2015

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Dress + sunnies- Forever 21

So there's something funny about this dress... At first I thought about not telling you all but then I thought, hey, why not. I'm actually wearing it backwards... So the first and only time I ever wore this dress around a year ago, I spilled nutella down the front while watching The Carrie Diaries before school. Literally hadn't even set foot out of the house before ruining it... A year later, (today) I thought, hey! What if I wear it backwards.....? And Woah! It works and it's actually pretty cool!! Glad I held on to this lil gem. You can't tell in these photos, but it's only a few inches above the knee, superrrrr cuteee and perf for summer!! Yay!!

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Magic Hour

Saturday, May 30, 2015

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Happy Saturday! Right now all I can think about is Biology, all day long I've been relearning, reviewing, and restudying bio for my exam on Monday. However, this afternoon, Ally came over for a little study break and we took some pics.

I'm not feeling too great tonight, so I'm going to hit the hay and talk to y'all tomorrow. Xo
 shirt- H+M // overalls + shoes- Hidden Fashion // purse- Forever 21 // hat- San Diego Hat Co.

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Swimming Pools

Thursday, May 28, 2015

It's swimming pool season. Summer is (almost) finally here, and we are showing more and more skin everyday. As a confident, sort of saucy gal it's my favorite time of year; time to shed my layers and show all my skin and show off my bod. However, one of my BIGGEST issues with media and just modern societies way of thinking today is that women are told not to love their bodies. We are told to shrink ourselves, eat less, work harder, stay fit, stay clean, stay available, and somehow stay happy. When women's bodies aren't being objectified or degraded they are often being compared to other women's bodies, making every other woman think they aren't good enough. NO woman needs to feel like she is ANY less than a women because she isn't a size zero, or she is flat chested. Side note, let's keep in mind that saying someone is "sooooo skinny" can also hurt, one's person goal could be someone's insecurity, don't judge people by something they might not be able to control. I just wish people could see that the way you look in a bathing suit by no means defines who you are as a person. "Shaping up for bikini season" shouldn't be a thing. But really, I love summer time and getting the chance to actually see my legs after they've been in winter hiding for so long. It gives me the chance to just remember how rockin' my body is and how lucky I am to simply have a working, healthy, lovely body. I urge you to remember the same. So with that, I've made some steps for myself on how to stay body positive this summer. Here they are, maybe you'll find them helpful as well :)
Try to stay generally positive about everything in life. Make the littlest things the best things, then you'll have less to be upset about. Most the time, when you're unhappy, one thing leads to another, it's easy to turn to hating your appearance. An easy way to skip melt downs and break downs is to just make the best of everything, avoiding upset at all costs.
Find other activities that are better for you and more worth your time. Things that don't involve worrying about what you look like.
Honestly, just work it. Know your body and flaunt every curve and crevice there is. Walk with your head up high and with power in your step and you'll feel flawless, I swear. Plus, you'll get heads turning, and people will see just how fabulous you are.
Don't feel like you need to hide anything; rolls, stretch marks, cellulite, freckles, scars, birth marks, ANYTHING on you're body someone might otherwise convince you to be self conscious about, DON'T BE. Vow not to hide, or edit out any part of your body because of what someone else might think. It's what makes you 100% you! And ALL of you is beautiful :)

I hope at least some of this was a bit motivational, maybe a little rambly, but at least a tiny bit empowering, or something... I love you all so so much. Go buy a bathing suit you KNOW you FEEL AMAZING IN and knock everyone off of their plastic pool chairs, just by showing them how great it is to be a strong, powerful, beautiful woman!! YGG!!

And finally... here is my current mood, as exams have just started:

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Swimming Pools Short Video

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Hey guys! Here is the super duper short video I made to go along with an upcoming post :) Get excited! xo
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Feeeeel Gooooood

Monday, May 18, 2015

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Happy Tuesday y'all :)
I have been SO busy lately, and with business, often comes stress. I know quite a few people are in the same freaked out/stressed out boat as I am right now so I thought I'd share some good vibe collages I made. I had such a great time making these and they feature my favorite things! Favorite friends, places, people, art, etcetera etcetera etceteraa!!

I have a lot of photos and a video from Colorado still in the works and on the way, so stay tuned for that hopefullllllly (no promises) it will be here this weekend :) However I have a heck of a lot going on: two graduations, banquet, exams, SAT ish... WOOHOO! Ohhhh mannnn.... this time of the year is the best and the worst. You've got beautiful weather and summer is SO close, but school is coming to a close, which means teachers cramming in tests and projects ALL.THE.TIME. and EXAMS AND JUST UGH! okay okay okay this is supposed to be a positive thinking post... so back to that... xo!

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ATLT + Grayson Shop!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Hello! I teamed up with the totally awesome online shop, Grayson to show off some of their cutest summer pieces! I received four articles in the mail, two shorts, a sweater, and a shirt. Then with that I created four outfits good for any summer day.

This first piece is my favorite: black and white!! The shorts are from Grayson, and you can find them here!
This second look is a little edgier, thanks to Grayson for this candy skull crop top.
shorts- H+M // boots- Forever 21
 lol just dancing
I put together a more causal look with these ultra comfy dolphin shorts :)
I love wearing my tight overalls with a flowy shirt fluttering out of the sides and back. This sweater completed the look!

Go check out Grayson for more super affordable majorly cute clothes!! xo

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Café Café Café

Sunday, May 10, 2015

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A photo posted by olivia ruffin (@olivebarrett) on

A photo posted by olivia ruffin (@olivebarrett) on

Happy Sunday! Today I thought I'd share some photos from our favorite café in Savannah. Collins Quarter is absolutely the best place in Savannah for brunch, but most importantly, for hot chocolate and macchiatos :) Collins Quarter is on the corner of cute and delicious. Honestly, when you find the perfect resturant that not only has amazing food, but ALSO MARBLE TABLES. No joke, a bloggers dream. I got such great instagram photos haha...
Monday is tomorrow, I have an extremely early flight back home at 7am. Great! Ugh...Wish me luck...

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Bike Route

Saturday, May 9, 2015

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wearing: overalls- Forever21 // sunglasses- Forever21 // shirt- Target (I DIYed a screen print on the front but you can't even tell) shoes- Chinese Laundry 

Last week in Savannah, as the sun was setting, my dad and I rented some bikes and rode around town. The cool thing about Savannah is that on every block there is a square. Each square is different, they have a monument in the center and benches within it. Not one is alike! Also, not to mention just how beautiful every single street is since all the trees are laden with Spanish moss! Nicholas Sparks? Is that you?

It felt like summer in Savannah, right now here in Boulder (I'm posting this a bit late), it's 55ºF. Soooooooo, cold. Oh yeah, and it's raining. Thx Mother Nature, thx. But hey, I'm with my family and I'm happy :)
I hope your weekend isn't too rainy! Xo

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