Feeeeel Gooooood

Monday, May 18, 2015

Happy Tuesday y'all :)
I have been SO busy lately, and with business, often comes stress. I know quite a few people are in the same freaked out/stressed out boat as I am right now so I thought I'd share some good vibe collages I made. I had such a great time making these and they feature my favorite things! Favorite friends, places, people, art, etcetera etcetera etceteraa!!

I have a lot of photos and a video from Colorado still in the works and on the way, so stay tuned for that hopefullllllly (no promises) it will be here this weekend :) However I have a heck of a lot going on: two graduations, banquet, exams, SAT ish... WOOHOO! Ohhhh mannnn.... this time of the year is the best and the worst. You've got beautiful weather and summer is SO close, but school is coming to a close, which means teachers cramming in tests and projects ALL.THE.TIME. and EXAMS AND JUST UGH! okay okay okay this is supposed to be a positive thinking post... so back to that... xo!

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