River Lovin' // Scheduled Post #2

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Once again I am at camp, here's to scheduled post #2

Just thought I would let you know how much I miss and love my lovely little house on the river. I am so lucky to be able to spend such relaxing and fun times down there in Gloucester, Virginia. 

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Camp Packing

Sunday, June 23, 2013

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Hi there! So for the past few days I have been packing for camp!
I am so unbelievably excited! 
I leave tomorrow. 
(Thanks for the photo Ally :)  )

I cannot wait to drive up the long camp road and smell the fresh Sapphire air, pulling up to Jim and Denice to tell me what cabin I will be living in for the next five weeks. Running up to old friends and giving them the biggest of hugs. Eeeep! I can't wait! 

 Talk to you later!
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Slightly Innocent Yet Rather Dark

Saturday, June 22, 2013

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This afternoon I ventured out into the attic of my garage and dappled around with some lights and a camera. I mean lights, camera, action... right? Yeah not so much...
I love looking through my closet and finding old gems that I haven't worn in AGES, or even at all! They make for the best photo shoots. Although the attic is somewhere around 100ยบ, it is one of my favorite places to shoot. Traipsing around in my white Ferragamos in a dust hole with spider webs and dead buggies all around; it was fun!

I take pride in my strange photos. 


Despite the baby pink ribbons on my dress and my sweet intent, I love how dark these photos are. Oh so creepy, yet not so much. Does that make sense? Maybe that's just me. 

I go to camp on Monday...
I'm not sure what I am going to do for my blog I don't want to just let it rot and get all cobwebby! Since I cannot update while at camp... hummm.... well we'll see what happens, if anything. 

Au Revoir! 

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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

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The art of making things simple. 
Like my blog, once again I changed it around. I don't know I was feeling a change I guess.
I hope you like the simplicity of it all :)
And I also hope you like my picture of that bunny, I took it at school and thought, "Hey why not put it on the blog." I know, what an awesome story!

Talk to ya later

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Two Girls Named Leney and Olivia

Monday, June 17, 2013

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Today I got the most amazing pleasure to meet with Leney from one of my absolute favorite blogs, A Girl Named Leney! Seeing how Leney is an awesome photographer we had ourselves a little photoshoot! Leney takes such amazing photos, and is a huge inspiration to me!! We quickly got to know each other, and spent the entire time smiling, laughing, and just having a good time. (that sounds really cheesy)

The master teaching me her ways. 

I really love this photo for some reason. 

And then again in color...

Today was an all around fantastic day! I can't wait to hang out with Leney sometime soon again... although, soon wont be for another month seeing how I leave for camp in LESS THAN A WEEK! eeeeeep so excited!!! Thanks for an awesome day Leney!

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Happy Father's Day!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

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Happy Father's Day!
This morning we surprised my pops with brunch on the boat!
We went out to the middle of the river and down a bit into the cove and set up a divinely delectable brunch. It was a lot of fun. 

The adults sipped down some champagne and mimosas. I just drank the orange juice, fresh squeezed of course!

Dance parties on the dock are always fun. 

Carly even joined us on the boat! 
More pictures to come from today :)
Love you Papa 
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Out To Eat

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Yesterday we drove down to our river house 
Of course for dinner we went to our favorite Thai restaurant. It was such a beautiful night so we sat outside and enjoyed the warm summer air.  

Although throughout the night, it got kinda chilly, as you can tell Emma in her sweatshirt and drinking jasmine tea. 

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At Home With Olivia (that's me)

I got the idea to start doing "At Home With..." posts from the blog, A Beautiful Mess. 
I have plans for who's homes I would like to photograph, but I decided to start with mine. Just simply my room. I really enjoy looking through photos of houses and interior decor. I hope you do too, because that is what this post is...
My room is very colorful and has a lot going on. 

One of my walls is devoted mainly to clothing and beauty products. I know that sounds weird, but it's pretty cool. 

Dress closet, with additional bag storage and teeshirt and sock drawer. 

I like to display photos of my friends, family and just other fun things all around. I made these photo strips a long time ago, hence the braces and bad lighting... back in the day when I didn't know how to use white balancing and edit photos in raw... chuckle. 

I work at my desk during the school year when I do my homework (yuck) but over time it becomes an area for me to just pile things.. oops. 
I have a desktop computer that I use to blog on sometimes, but it is in desperate need for an update. Once I update it then I can always use it to blog! And my laptop's start up disk wont be full all the time. 

I love lollypops, especially the bubblegum ones. 

In the red bottle beneath the flowers, is my secret stash of money... teeheeheee, oh so sneaky. 

Here is a better view of my wall...
On the left you see my shelving of hats; make up, nail polish and beauty books; sunglasses; head bands, aka my favorite hair accessory; small handbags and purses; and short boots. In the middle on the top rack are my coats, sweaters and outerwear. On the bottom rack are skirts and nice shirts. To the right you'll see more shoes, and comfy clothing. On the very top are old things that I have had since I was just a wee one. And then my sewing things: machine, fabric, measuring kits. In the closet to the right you see scarves and belts hanging from the door and inside are dresses and tall boots.  
And that's my room!
Also the curtains hanging down can come out to cover up the wall... also useful for a photoshoot backdrop ;)
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