Slightly Innocent Yet Rather Dark

Saturday, June 22, 2013

This afternoon I ventured out into the attic of my garage and dappled around with some lights and a camera. I mean lights, camera, action... right? Yeah not so much...
I love looking through my closet and finding old gems that I haven't worn in AGES, or even at all! They make for the best photo shoots. Although the attic is somewhere around 100ยบ, it is one of my favorite places to shoot. Traipsing around in my white Ferragamos in a dust hole with spider webs and dead buggies all around; it was fun!

I take pride in my strange photos. 


Despite the baby pink ribbons on my dress and my sweet intent, I love how dark these photos are. Oh so creepy, yet not so much. Does that make sense? Maybe that's just me. 

I go to camp on Monday...
I'm not sure what I am going to do for my blog I don't want to just let it rot and get all cobwebby! Since I cannot update while at camp... hummm.... well we'll see what happens, if anything. 

Au Revoir! 

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