Two Girls Named Leney and Olivia

Monday, June 17, 2013

Today I got the most amazing pleasure to meet with Leney from one of my absolute favorite blogs, A Girl Named Leney! Seeing how Leney is an awesome photographer we had ourselves a little photoshoot! Leney takes such amazing photos, and is a huge inspiration to me!! We quickly got to know each other, and spent the entire time smiling, laughing, and just having a good time. (that sounds really cheesy)

The master teaching me her ways. 

I really love this photo for some reason. 

And then again in color...

Today was an all around fantastic day! I can't wait to hang out with Leney sometime soon again... although, soon wont be for another month seeing how I leave for camp in LESS THAN A WEEK! eeeeeep so excited!!! Thanks for an awesome day Leney!

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