Welcome Back Words With Sunday + Chapter Nine

Sunday, December 29, 2013

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Can Can!!
This is our second time going to Can Can for brunch and yet again it was fabulous!
Classic, I got the pancakes, Pops got the Eggs Benedict, and this time Emma tagged along and she got some sort of Mushroom omlet oooooooh!
It was all super delicious! 
I'm wearing:
sweater // gifted, F21
jacket // also gifted, also F21
pants // ally's.....
socks // no clue
boots // gifted, F21
bag // not sure... Prada?
head thingy // gifted, F21
if you can guess... yes I got many things from Forever 21 this Christmas

On Emma:
coat // Old Navy
leggings // Tikki
boots // gifted
socks // no clue
scarf // also not sure...
I should probably take the time to walk downstairs and actually ask Emma what she is wearing.....
Lot's of errands were ran today, but besides those we popped into this magnificent store of which it's name is escaping me, however, everything was so shiny, beautiful and handmade!!
Later this evening, I met up with the ol BFF Ally for some dinner
It was pretty fun, and yes I did take photos, but I think I am getting sick and erggg I am lazy
but I love you!
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It's Summer In Australia...

Saturday, December 28, 2013

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Now that Christmas is over I am going to be honest with you in saying that I really want to go to Australia or something and flop on some sandals and a bathing suit and walk around in the heat. Normally I am a TOTAL winter person, ugh who knows, maybe it's this warm weather lately...
I mean if you're going to be warm, earth, go all out and just be summer already...
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Warm In The Winter

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sweater // thrifted
pants // Papaya (ally's)
shoes // Prada
belt // gifted F21
Why is it a nice warm day outside today?
Where is my beloved snow!?
also... ten points if you can find the six places I have tattooed my self...
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Odd Photos, Cropped and Grainy

Friday, December 27, 2013

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"So I walked back to my room and collapsed on the bottom bunk, thinking that if people were rain, I was drizzle and she was a hurricane.” 
― John GreenLooking for Alaska

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GRTC In Color

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oh so intense am I right. 
today I went with Henry and Mark to the old GRTC (Greater Richmond Transit Company) station, which has been totally vamped up with amazing graffiti and mural paintings. 
Needless to say... Richmond can be pretty cool when you find it's little bursts. 
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