Monday, December 26, 2016

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Hello Hello and Merry Christmas!
Yesterday, as most of the world knows, was Christmas, I took some little snippets throughout the day here and there to capture the essence of our first Christmas in our new house! Last night after we finally finished unwrapping (we are really slow and like to take many breaks) i opened my computer and I already saw so many "What I got for Christmas" videos, I was honestly kinda grossed out, why, on Christmas Day do you have to go and shout to social media every material thing that you got? Christmas is way WAY more than presents wrapped in festive paper with pretty bows, it's about family being together, which for us is sort of rare now that Emma is totally living on her own and Saunders will be soon too and I'm in college. So here's to family, laughter, love, and joy coming from us this holiday season :) xo
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Mod & Soul X ATLT

Thursday, December 22, 2016

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HEY GUYS!! Last week I teamed up with Mod & Soul to style some holiday looks for y'all! Mod & Soul is a super cute local boutique here in RVA, they sell chic, bohemian, women's clothing and accessories! And they also have an online store for those of you not from the area with all the same inventory and some more. Right now they are totally stocked with all your holiday party needs, so if you're like me and have last minute parties you need to look FABULOUS for, head to Mod & Soul and you'll find just what you need to look glam all night long :) Everything that I'm wearing in these photos is Mod & Soul of course, and I tagged what is on the website, happy shopping! Unfortunately, the shoes are only sold in stores, all the more reason to go!!
 dress, similar necklace
 sweater, dress, earrings
 top, jeans
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Cotton Candy Walls

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

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HEY HEY! I'M BAAACCK! Well okay, technically I never left, and even more technically I've been here trying endlessly to write another "holiday look" post, if you saw my instagram post, you probably realized that I never actually posted the photos from that shoot, well yeah, that has been a draft for about a week now, and I'm struggling to find words to write. And although holiday style should be relatively easy to talk about, it's not like I've even been busy at all, I just haven't been able to get it out! I have holiday style writers block clearly...

Anyway, I want to start focusing my photos, and really organizing my Instagram feed, posting photos that are more color coordinated and just good quality. One of the hardest things about blogging can honestly be constantly asking myself, "is this worth a post?" like is this outfit cute enough, is the backdrop even that good? Well, now I've decided that I want to focus on color, having things be more colorful! I feel like color is such a good way to draw people in, and get their attention. Without being too flashy though, I want to spice things up with good pretty colors. So when you look at my blog, or my instagram, you'll see lots of cohesive color! Okay I feel like I'm totally rambling, basically, expect more color on here, because that's what I'm going for now.
top and necktie- thrifted // skirt and socks- Forever 21 // shoes- Converse

Do you guys ever struggle with the constant issue of looking at your closet or in your dresser and seeing piles and racks of clothes but thinking, "I have absolutely nothing at all to wear, what on Earth?!" After way tooooo many trials of trying on one thing and throwing that on the floor, adding something and rolling with it and then five seconds later hating it I FINALLY settled on this outfit. I've never worn this shirt or neck tie and I'm all about it. So secrets out, this "neck tie" is actually a belt, but wrapped around my neck twice it seemed to work out pretty well!! This shirt my mom got for me from Goodwill a little bit ago, and now actually wearing it out and about I'm in LOVE. If you know me you'd know I'm a total black and white striped fiend, so of course that's the first thing to love about the top, but its so billowy and comfy and AH! I love. And then of course the skirt.... what's not to love about mermaid sequins? Who knows! I don't know, because I am very much so totally, utterly, and completely in love with this skirt. 

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Holiday Style

Monday, December 12, 2016

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top- Topshop // skirt- Forever 21 // tights- Old Navy

Howdy Howdy! It's the holiday season, which means if you're anything like me, there are probably a few events here and there that you'll have to get in the spirit for. This is a more casual outfit, but it is sorta festive none the less!! Obviously for any holiday outfit, you can't go wrong with any kind of tartan, reds, blacks, and of courseeee gold and silver :) I thought I'd share with you some clothes and accessories I'm crushing on this holiday season!
fawnstar // bauble bar 1, 2, 3 // forever 21 // luca and grae // nasty gal

So I've been home now for a few weeks and I am so BEYOND excited for my friends to come home! Everyone finishes up with finals this week, Nate comes home either on the 15th or 16th, but by the 15th the whole squad will be back together again and I CAN'T WAIT! That's when all the holiday festivities really begin, the holidays with friends is honestly the best thing ever, remember last year? I'm sure there will be more posts like that to come this month :) What are your holiday plans this year?? xoxo
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My Christmas Wishlist!

Friday, December 9, 2016

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I'm sure you all can guess what this post is going to be about!!! As y'all know, December is upon us, which means CHRISTMAS IS UPON US! I've been home for a little over a week now and although none of my friends are here with me, I've done plenty of baking, visited my high school and have had a pretty good time being here :) My street is totally decked out in Christmas cheer with lights and tinsel and wreaths and all that christmasy jazz. I'm working on routing the ultimate tacky lights tour to take nate and my friends on once we get home. So if you're from the RVA area and know of any awesome tacky houses to visit please don't hesitate to comment below and let me know!

Anyway, as for my Christmas wishlist thangggg... These are just a few of the things that I want this year, boots, berets, a projector and a record player! Those are the main main things I'm asking for, yet above all, I feel like experiences, adventures, and memories are pretty much always better than material goods. So like concert tickets, trips and such are far more valuable than anything you can wrap in a box!

Silver Boots
Record Player
Albums- Crybaby, Made in the AM, Cleopatra, Art Angels, Hozier
Enamel Pins
Thigh High Boots

SEE MORE of my wishlist on PINTEREST
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Last Sunrise

Saturday, December 3, 2016

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Good morning lovelies <3
I hope everything is all good in the hood, I've taken too long to try to write this post. So I'm back home again, but this time for real. However, in the past week (four days) that I was in Savannah at school, I was able to do this fun shoot at sunrise with my roomies! Our friend Cassie took these photos for us and did a great job! Check out her Instagram for sure :)

If you notice, from previous posts with my room mates, someone is missing, and there is someone new... Meet Cher! I won't go into too much detail, but basically the girl who was living with us before, turned out to be not at all who we thought she was when we all agreed to room together. BUT! she moved out and Cher saved the day and moved in! We had all been close friends with Cher since day one, and she had roommate issues too, so it worked out perfectly :) Now everything is stress free and we are all able to just be ourselves and actually have fun. Cher moving in was probably the most refreshing thing to ever happen in the history of everything. Go Cher! Go America! Go BEES!
For this photoshoot, we wanted it to have a sort of "folksy" mood, it is sunrise in a field of tall stuff after all... I think we did a pretty okay job ;) Most of all I think the best thing about these photos had to be just the fact that I am posing beside the best people. These girls are my total support system! It's so nice to be able to come back to the dorm after a tough critique or something to their smiling faces, making me laugh and all that mushy stuff :) I love you guys! 
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