Ridin' Solo

Friday, August 28, 2015

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shirt+shoes- Forever 21 // jeans- IZod

Hey Fam! Today I watched The Incredibles and after hearing the quite iconic line, "fly home Buddy, I work alone" it got me thinking... "hmmmmm, working alone, I do that! And sometimes it's not so easy... why wouldn't Mr. Incredible want help? weird". Working alone. All the time you hear bloggers being like, "how I launched my blog into a multimillon dollar business" (@abeautifulmess.....) or like, "I am a full time blogger, this is my company!" Which I just think is the coolest thing in the world, like, all though I don't have a team constantly working on my blog with me, I am capable of creating a brand for myself.

My aunt said last week, (something along the lines of) "It's so cool now with all this social media and blogging, you don't need to get hundreds of internships or jobs to try to make it to the top, you just have to get people reading about you, and you can do it all on your own!" And that is exactly what I plan to do. Yes, I'll have internships and jobs here and there, but the fact that I can express who I am with just a camera and a laptop I think is SO cool!! So on that note, I thought I'd share some thoughts, tips, experiences if you will, on working alone. This is pretty blogger specific, but yeah, enjoyyyy...
Self Timer Struggles// Man oh man, the harsh reality that not everyone and anyone is always willing to take photos of you at any given moment is rough. So this is where good ol' self timer comes in. And let me tell you, it is NOT easy. Back in the day when I just used a point and shoot, things were a breeze... but not quite as simple with a DSLR and complex lenses. There are so many different levels and trying to get something in focus is SO DANG HARD. I used to have a self timer remote (thanks ally!) but it stopped working... maybe it ran out of battery? The world may never know...
Slump City// Yes, there will be times when you're feeling sorta alone and don't even know if anyone really is reading your blog, "Why am I even doing this?" "This takes up so much time?" "I have no one to motivate me" "Where my squad at?".  Okay Okay Okay, take a breathhhherrrrrr, everything is going to be OKAY! You started this blog in the first place to express your love for fashion (that's me at least, what do you love?) No you aren't surrounded with employees to tell you where to shoot photos, the budget for that DIY project, what to simply do next, or where to go with that run on sentence... But you gotta hand it to yourself, you've made it this far being a strong independent online personality, you can keep going!
Connection Disconnection// After a few months of blogging I started getting attention from other bloggers through comments, collaboration inquiries, and things of that nature. But then there was some sort of lull... Honestly, I don't really get any comments any more, which is actually pretty sad! I LOVE hearing what my readers think! It means the world to know your reading! I mean yeah, I can look at my Blogger Stats page and see where in the world all this traffic is coming from, but it's way nicer to see your names and what you honestly think about my content! Also, collaboration is a HUGE blogger thing. Being sponsored is a BIG deal and SOOO awesome if you get the chance to have a few sponsors!! Sometimes they'll reach out to you, but the real way to get attention, especially if you are working independently, is to reach out yourself. Email email EMAIL! Comment connect COLLABORATE!!! It's honestly, SOO easy, and it's a GREAT way to get your name out there on other platforms.

Well, that's all I have for now, I could go on and on and ON about blogging and how its effected me and all that jazz, but it's 1:38 am and I am about to passsss outttt. I've got lots of college-y things to do tomorrow! Weee! I hope this was if not slightly helpful, somewhat interesting. I love you all so SO much. Thanks for being the BEST ever! xx

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Fall Inspiration with SheInside!!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

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SheInside Collage

Good Morning! Today I'd like to share some of my back to school/fall inspiration for this upcoming season. Lately I have been perusing around the SheInside website. SheIn has, I kid you not, the BEST clothes for the most affordable prices, I'm a big fan :) Lately I have really been digging the 1970s style, with A-line skirts and lace up boots... and guess what?! SheIn has it all! ~!!Heart eyes heart eyes heart eyes!!~ Not to mention that structured bags are back, I am absolutely in LOVE with this neon one. What do y'all think? What is your style inspiration for this fall? Check out SheIn, they've got it all ;)
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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

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HELLO HELLO HELLO!!!! So I'm back home and back on the ol' Sunday brunch train, and this time with Isabelle!! Isabelle leaves for ITALY for her year abroad this week and gosh I'm just going to miss her so much. Who's going to be the little sister I never had now?! Ugh I'm 99.9% excited for her and 1% jealous, let's me real-- it's the other way around. Nah I'm v excited for my lil homie.

ANNNNYYYWAYY, Isabelle showed me this cute little breakfast + lunch (brunch!) spot called Lamplighter, I've always wanted to go but tbh didn't know where it is and.... yo girl can't drive soo. But pretty much, we both wanted to get the french toast but they were all out, so we just made it sorta a cafe coffee date. It was fun! Not only did we get brunch, but also did some shopping and of course, had a lil photoshoot (duh)
On Isabelle: shirt- Zara // skirt, shoes + bag- Urban Outfitters //
On Meeee: glasses- thrifted // shirt- Urban Outfitters // jeans- Forever 21 // shoes- ShoeMint // septum ring- Forever 21

Okay so little side note y'all, I loveeee septum rings, I am all about them, but here's the thing, I just don't think they're for me, I WISH I could rock them... but I just don't know. What do you guys think, do you like them?
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Thursday, August 20, 2015

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shirt- Brooks Brothers // bottoms- Urban Outfitters // top- Target // sunglasses- Forever 21

I miss the beach already... I feel like these photos look like ads for Beaches.com or some random resort from like the early 90s... or maybe that's just me... What do you think?  

That's all honestly... love youuuu
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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

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Hello Hello Lovelies <3
Today is our last night at the beach, I have sand in my bed, water in my ears and haven't gotten the slightest bit tan, but I do not want to leave. This week has been so magical, it's flown by SO quickly though! I used to come here every year since I can remember, but it had been four years, and let me tell you it's not easy cramming four lost years into four days. I have been begging my dad to let me get "beach braids" aka cornrows whilst being here but he keeps saying no. So lame right? Lol, I want to channel my inner Kylie Jenner and just rock some sick braids, but I guess not... ugh.

That's all for now, sending all my love your way. We are supposed to get hit with some mad thunderstorms these next few days, so stay cozy and comfy my east coast babies! 
Oh, and just a reminder to stay swaggy for all of time, and, follow me on instagram. @olivebarrett
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If It's The Beaches

Monday, August 17, 2015

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dress- Forever 21

As the Snapchat geotag would say, Greetings from the beaches of North Carolina!!! Literally it's the ugliest filter thing ever... Gosh darn beaches of North Carolina. Anyway, we arrived at the beach yesterday afternoon and I am just SOOO happy to be here! I've been planning outfits and outings for this trip for months and months and months! It's seriously been so long since we've had a beach trip and now we're here with all out cousins, how perfect!! :))

Any way I've got to jet, sorry this post isn't too long, but I'll talk to you tomorrow!! Check me out on instagram I'll be posting a lot ;) xo!

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Happy Birthday Ann!!!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

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Hi Guys! Earlier this month, Ann turned 21!! We celebrated this Saturday, and it was quite a pinterest-esque party. I'm so glad I got to see Ann and Maddy and all her friends before they left for college. Between camp, the beach and all things in between, it can be so hard to catch up with friends! Ann left for school today and I already miss her so so much!! Anyway, happy of happiest birthdays Ann :)
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