Wednesday, August 28, 2019

All clothes from Tori Radday's Depop

How?! HOW is it that TOMORROW I drive down to Savannah to begin my senior year?! In one bound to fly by week, I will be waking up early to embark on my LAST first day of school, like, ever. That is if I don't completely fail out of SCAD at the last possible moment, yikes, that would be bad. Let's not put that out into the universe, okay? Okay.

OKAY! so, senior year.
Holy crapola. Even though I still have a week or so before classes actually start, I thought it would be good to set some back to school intentions to start the year off with the right foot forward, no not the left foot, the right one, of course... Let's begin!
1. IT'S OKAY TO SAY NO after my freshman year I told myself to say, "yes" to everything. The result of that? Making lots of new friends, connections, and having cool and different experiences, the real outcome? Total burnout. I even made a video about it. Do I agree with that now? No.

I genuinely need to learn how to say, "no" to people. More often than not I find myself spreading myself MUCH too thin for the sake of others. I already know I am going to be busy, I need to... (transition)

2. PUT MYSELF FIRST going off of my last intention, I need to put myself first, seriously! My grades, health, both mental and physical, happiness come FIRST this year! I need to quit pulling so many all nighters, I need to begin taking steps back when self care is necessary. Speaking of, it's currently 3am and my eyelids feel like they have weights on them, SLEEP!
3. GROWTH IS NOT LINEAR I am prepared for this year to be full of ups and downs. I know I am aiming towards to goal of graduation in the spring and job in the summer to kick off my future career. But I need to remind myself that the path towards that will not be a straight new paved road, but perhaps a rocky passageway through a shaded wood, something more mysterious and dangerous, what's life without a little bit of danger, right? It may take a lot to get to where I'm going but I know that I will eventually wind up where I am meant to be.

4. APPLY YOURSELF And with that, I want to do everything I can to achieve my goals. I want to really push myself forward to creating the best work I can this year, being my best self, and making sure I am doing all that I can to get to where I want to be. With out pushing myself too hard of course...
Okay, now I really need to get packing. Let's get this thing going! Here's to new opportunities, new experiences, adventures, joys, highs and lows, and GROWTH! I could not be more excited for this journey to begin. I want to enjoy every last minute, and I want you to enjoy it with me every step of the way! Here we go! xo, O