Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Howdy! As most of you know, this past week I packed everything up and headed down to Savannah for my final year at SCAD! I was nervous, but ready, so so ready to get started. But what happened? What happened like it ALWAYS DOES?! A hurricane...

Hello Hurricane Dorian, welcome to my world, I didn't want you here, but now that you are I just have to suck it up and accept it. In doing that, we had a mandatory evacuation from Savannah, forcing us to seek shelter somewhere dry.

SOMEHOW we wound up in Highlands, North Carolina. The most beautiful, wonderful, magical part of the world, and just because I went to camp here for ten years doesn't mean I'm biased...

This is actually where my roommate Ana did most of her growing up as well. We are staying in her grandparents old house where she spent her summers. It's wild to think that we had so many similar experiences as children and didn't meet until college.
This is the view from the back porch at the house... no big deal or anything, it's like, not even that pretty.
Yesterday we went on a hike on Whiteside Mountain, a pretty simple, fun hike that I used to do every year before camp with my dad. It was just as beautiful as I remembered. Being here now, after Labor Day is really the perfect time, the weather is perfection, cool in the mornings and just warm enough in the day. It's not too crowded, and things are still green and lush, this hurri-cation if you will, is the perfect last taste of summer I didn't know I needed.
As the night came to a close, we drove up to Sunset rock to well, you can guess... watch the sunset...
It was stunning, the way the colors kiss the tops of the blue ridge mountains gets me in my ~*feels*~ this place is so special to me. 

I also got a film camera and have been taking lots of photos on that, cannot wait to see how they'll turn out, hopefully they capture the moment. As ready as I am for school to start, I want to stay here forever, I want to soak in the crisp mountain air and avoid responsibility at ALL COSTS!! 

We don't know how long we will be here, no news from SCAD, and Dorian isn't supposed to hit until this morning, so we will see, hopefully Savannah will stay safe and in tact, I know many have already been hurt by this hurricane and worse... More updates on all of that soon. 

Until then, enjoy these last extra bits of summer!
xo, O