I'm a Blogger, and You Can Trust Me

Thursday, September 20, 2018

photo by Liam Graham  more photos from this shoot coming soon! <3

Hello loves!
I hope you all are well, I have been settling back in to my groove since being back in Savannah about two weeks ago, I am happy to be here! This post isn't necessarily the "welcome back" post that I had in mind since starting back in school, and yet here we are! I feel as though this is something that is important and needs to be addressed from me.

As you all know, I have been blogging for some time now. If you've followed me for some time or follow other bloggers and influencers, you know that collaborations, sponsorships, and brand deals are quite common in our world as bloggers.

But here's the thing, I have noticed that bloggers are getting a lot of backlash for these things. People believe it is all lies, people are losing trust in fashion bloggers, saying that they are lying because they are being payed to say all good things all the time. How can you trust something someone says about a product if you don't know if what they are saying is the truth?! I totally get that.

Here's what I need you to know: you can trust me. And that's that.

I want to be honest, real, and genuine with you all here. Social media can be tricky in many ways, and one of the main ways is how people post. I'm not perfect, my life is not perfect, my Instagram is just the Photoshopped, well lit, highly saturated highlight reel. I will be honest, there are times where I am NOT doing well, because you know, I'm human, I have feelings, I have a life and I go through things, BUT I have deadlines and I have post times and things like that where I, even though not feeling great, will post something along the lines of, "Hey guys! Happy Friday!! Hope you all have a spectacular weekend! sparkle emoji, rainbow emoji, sunshine emoji..." etc. and so forth.
This is my job, this is what I do, this is what I LOVE to do. At least for now! I don't know what my future career holds, but for right now, blogging, being a voice on social media, I love it. It's a lot of fun. I love photoshoots, I love creating content for brands, and sharing my opinions.

Which brings me to the main thing people are soooo skeptical about bloggers for. Those darn "opinions" on brands. Here's the scoop, I have never been payed to work with a brand. Never. I work as if I do and it's frustrating, that's a whole different post, been there, heard that... read it.

However, I am working really hard to grow, therefor yes, I will admit, some of my collaborations may be more enthusiastic than how I feel about them in reality. Right now I am working to expand my portfolio so I can hopefully work with more reputable, larger brands and get to a place where I am monetized. Most of my collabs I initiate, I apply to, and I reach out to, I don't agree to work with companies I don't support, like, or anything like that. I would never lead you in the direction to buy something I genuinely dislike, I wouldn't promote something that really doesn't work! I have your back! We are on the same team here! I'm not doing anything that is straight up a lie, but yes, I do stretch the truth. And I think all bloggers do that.

What sounds better:

"Just got this top from Target, it was free so I don't really care about the price, but yeah go get one if you want. I like florals, who doesn't."


"This season fall florals are SO in! And of COURSE Target's got you set for all your floral needs! I seriously love this new top, how cute?! Comment down below you're favorite upcoming fall trend!"

Sure it's more enthusiastic, may seem fake, but it's just the way we write, how we talk, we are trying to sell these things. I am trying to sell these things.

I just want to put it out there that sure, I do a lot of collaborations but you can trust me. Please, know that I am human, know that I have bad days. Put on your social media truth glasses and see that what I post is literally just the good things. What I post is not a lie, of course I act overly excited when I'm doing a sponsored post. When it's payed I'll let you know, when it's sponsored I'll always let you know.

What are your thoughts on influencers sharing their opinions? Do you feel like you can trust them?
Please just hear me out as I reiterate, as bloggers, we share our opinions, personal style, lookbooks, etc. For me at least, I'm not sharing the latest fashion data, or news, it's just a fun space for me to show you guys my style and what's going on lately in my world.

Please bare all of this in mind the next time you rag on bloggers, we are humans too. Putting off seemingly perfect personas all the time can be hard. Comment what you think! xo, O
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Get On Your Feet...

Thursday, September 6, 2018

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sports bra // leggings // jacket

...Get up and make it happen!!
The wonderful words of Gloria Estefan inspired me for this shoot with Old Navy!

Hello!! Summer is winding down, a time to hit the books, get back to work, and for a lot of people, that comes with falling into the regular old routine. BUT just because summer is over, that doesn't mean you should stop being active! You know me, and you know I'm not necessarily athletic, however I love to get up and get moving! This September when I head back to school I know I will be very busy, tempted to use free time to just hang out and relax, but it is so important to stay active and moving!

Old Navy has such a wide selection of active wear, perfect for whatever you do! Maybe it's going to spin class, maybe it's going on a jog, or walking your dog, being out with friends, or maybe you're a student and are seriously in LOVE with how comfortable everything is and will just be wearing Old Navy activewear to class all the time! I'll be guilty of that for sure!! This season, they have leggings, shorts, sports bras and more in the coolest patterns and colors.

Ya know, when I used to go to barre class, everyone would be in all black, but when I'd wear my colorful Old Navy leggings I would get SO many complements! People loved them just as much as I do! So, do yourself a favor and go get yourself some activewear from Old Navy.

Also... this jacket?! OMG it is so amazing, I'm obsessed.

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Why What I Do is Hard

Monday, September 3, 2018

Warning: very wordy, somewhat ranty post below.

Hello hello! Happy Labor Day, the holiday where work stops and all of America heads to the nearest water source in attempt to soak up the last bit of sun before Summer ends, as always though, work doesn't stop for me. Not even on a holiday. Actually I feel like I work more sometimes when holidays come around. It's an easy thing to shoot, write about, and post about, why wouldn't I? Lately though I have been struggling a little bit with what I do. No I am not technically "employed" and no I do not get payed, not a single penny, but I'm still working as if I do, and I'm getting tired, a little strung out and frustrated with the world of blogging. Here's why...

At the end of this year, it will be a full seven years since I hopped into the world of blogging, also knows as The Blogosphere. When I started I didn't know what I was getting myself into, I didn't know it would become my life. I didn't know that I'd be that friend begging to pull over to take a picture at every colored wall we see, and draining my bank account on photogenic ice cream. But here we are 7 years later. That is my life.

That and pulling all nighters rebranding things people probably don't even notice, drowning in hours of editing videos and photos. Doing endless research to make sure I can come up with funny, fresh, unique content. Learning the way things work like, dare I say the cursed word: algorithms... Hating being that person who uses an abundant amount of hashtags, but hoping no one will notice if I sneak them in. Staying up late, or moving plans around so I can post at the perfect time in order to get the most engagement. It is hard work.
Here's why it's so frustrating. Seven whole years later, and I am seeing incredibly minimal growth. I see people all the time on Instagram posting things along the lines of, "I can't believe it, one year ago today I opened my computer and decided to try something new, and here I am, so thankful for our lovely community, you guys are the best!" Talking to their 30-some-thousand followers... meanwhile me trying to engage with my 2-thousand-some followers who are mainly people who I know on a personal level, it is so hard not to compare myself to these influencers who have some how skyrocketed in the world of blogging and not ask myself, "why in the world am I not that girl?" "WHAT am I doing wrong?"

I work with as many brands as I can to build my repertoire and a good basis of my work ethic in content creation for companies, and still no growth, which means less and less companies want to work with me, which means I don't get payed, which means that I'm not even considered for bigger brand deals. Here's the thing though, I work just as hard if not harder than so many bloggers I see out there in the world. I am completely capable of coming up with creative and fun ways to advertise things that no one has seen before, and yet I go unnoticed. I am there, I am on their level, but I am tied down by numbers. 2,387 followers, an average of 200-350 likes per photo, 12% engagement, 4,000 average monthly blog pageviews, 1,193 subscribers, and an estimated revenue of only $13.15, ranging from 350-1,000 views depending if it's in the right niche. These numbers are incredibly tiny when it comes to being "successful" in the blogging world. Which of course, who wouldn't want to be successful!? I'm a student sure, but I don't have another job, this is not just my hobby, this is my full time hustle, side only to trying to maintain a 4.0, which by the way, also isn't easy...

Don't get my wrong I love what I do, but you have to understand how difficult and aggravating it can be when you try and try and try and still get no attention. And to the readers who aren't bloggers, this probably sounds like the most narcissistic post you've ever read, but when you are your brand it's hard not to be a little bit of a narcissist. And that's the thing, I am putting myself out there, photos of myself, videos of me talking, acting, trying to give advice, photoshoots I think are cool and fun, and then get minimal reactions, it's very hard not to let that get to me. What am I doing wrong? Is it the content? But wait, I am the content, why are people unfollowing me? Do they not like me?! What did I do wrong!?
Bloggers get a lot of hate for what we do. People do think we are incredibly narcissistic, shallow even, and obsessed with being better than others, obsessed with likes. Here's the thing, I don't feel validated by the number of likes (honestly), I see it strictly from the business prospective. I want to create great big things, and the fact that I can market off of myself, and start from essentially nothing except who I am and build off of that, I think that is so cool. Blogging isn't easy, but that doesn't mean everyone can't do it. We live in a world where all of this is at our fingertips, there is no reason not to at least try to create and see where it goes. It's only when you get in deep and start wanting to create full time, that's when the going gets tough.

Here I am trying to make the most out of everything that I do, but with such low engagement, it makes me think, why? Am I wasting my time? When I was at the Teen Vogue summit last winter, I was in a small panel with Olivia Jade (Youtuber, icon girl) and I asked her, "I have been blogging and making videos for some time now, and feel like I am not getting anywhere, how did you, when starting out, get past this feeling of not growing, but knowing you still needed to keep going?" Her answer quite literally was, "You just have to get out there, you have to make that viral video, for me it was my Everyday Makeup Routine video, I woke up the next morning with thousands of views and just kept growing from there! You got this!" *goes on to continue to talk about her boring makeup video... I like Olivia Jade I do, but what kind of advice is that? I keep trying to make "that viral video" but what if I never do? What if my blog never picks up? What if my Instagram followers remain people I personally know and follow back? It is so stressful.

At the end of it all I guess you could just call this a rant, I am going to still work, create, and produce new content for you all, and for myself too. So I'm not going anywhere. Just stressing about it all. Not to mention I have one of the hardest quarters ahead of me at SCAD this fall... But here's to pushing through, kicking the algorithm's butt, and making the best of what I can do! I am determined to keep going, and to do what I love, but please be patient and understand that it is very hard. So here's to that. xo, O

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