Friday, July 28, 2017

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Good Morning everyone! It's already Friday, this week has flown by, and don't even get my started on summer flying by..... But! I'm so happy I was able to capture this moment yesterday. I've wanted to take photos in a milk bath for a really long time, I'm sure you've seen photos like this before. It was a lot of fun experimenting with different dyes, flowers, milk, etc. I also want to start releasing more thought out photoshoots and content here on my blog. So I'm glad I could kick that off with this!! Anyway, today is so so busy as always, so I'm signing off here.. love you guys!! xo, O

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Decorate Your Dorm with Modern Map Art!

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

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Good afternoon everyone! In honor of back to school coming up, I thought I'd share with you an easy way to spruce up any room, especially your dorm room or apartment! It can be hard being so far away from home in school, but you can bring your home to you with Modern Map Art! Modern Map Art has map prints, iPhone cases, pillow cases and more! And maps from all over the world! So no matter where you're from, they've got it :) Come from a small town? You can even order a custom map print to your specific hometown. So what are you waiting for! Go ahead and order your map today! xo, O

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Tuesday, July 25, 2017

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Happy Tuesday! I'll be honest I love Tuesday, almost as much as I love Monday! In the summer everyday is the weekend, where Monday means a new week, and Friday just means time is flying by and this week is over. Therefor, I like Tuesdays because it's still early in the week, also I'm not working sooo hehehee..... BUT! Regardless, Tuesdays are always great because that means Ten Things Tuesday, so let's get into that...

1. Starting off with a new spotlight blogger! I discovered Amber's blog though the Beehive Babes insta, and she is SOO COOL! I love all of her outfits, her style is amazing, and her photos are always fantastic. Girl knows what's up in the blogging world.
2. TOTALLY not getting married anytime soon, but still looking at wedding dresses. How can I not?They're all amazing. Especially this one. While I'm not super traditional, I'm a white dress kind of gal, but stilllll how beautiful is this dress?!
3. My good friend from school Bri has a fashion blog, Style Me Bri, that actually just turned one!! Go check it out and help her celebrate by givin it a follow :)

4. Ally actually shared this one with me. It's a bathroom reno and I'm in LOVE! Add a few more pops of color and I'd move in in an instant. Is it weird to buy a house just for the bathroom? Probably. Thanks Ally :)
5. If I could afford to be and had the room I would 100% be a crazy plant lady. I'm a proud owner of a few cacti and succulents, but I dream of the day when I can come home to this many big plant babies. This post gives some tips on caring for them.

6. If you know me you probably know I love NPR. I'm not a huge radio gal, so typically when I'm driving I'll be listening to it. Gotta love me some Dan Roberts and Melissa Block, am I right or am I right...??? SO naturally I binge watch Tiny Desk Concerts, so when I heard Violents did one I was all over it. Check it out!
7. Lana's. New. Album. enough said? enough said.

8. I love a good flower crown, but making a real one can be tough, and buying a real one can be expensive... I love this DIY paper flower crown from The House That Lars Built.
9. I don't know why, but lately I've been craving chocolate lava cakes. I'm doing my best not to order one from Domino's, don't hate y'all they are SO good, but it's hard. In the meantime before I cave and just buy one, here is a recipe if you aren't lazy like me and actually want to make one!
10. Last but not least, as you know it's almost back to school season, so of COURSE it's about time to think about school supplies, or if you're not in school, just life supplies!! I had a agenda this past year and am LOVING their newest designs, thinking about getting this one for myself for this year. 

And that's a wrap!! I hope you guys like these things just as much as I do! Have a happy, wonderful, beautiful week :) xo, O
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OKAY! So I know it's not Sunday, I think I'm just going to try to post a video like once a week, not every Sunday, just once a week. SO YEAH THERE'S THAT! Okay I love you guys, enjoy.

Read more to see the list of everything I talked about +some links :) xo, O

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Monday, July 24, 2017

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Hello Everyone! Happy Monday, I hope your week is off to a great start! Mine sure is, today was a blast. It started out with breakfast at Urban Farmhouse with Nate, then we went back to his new apartment to work on decorating his room, which I think really looks great! We added some plants, hung some paintings, and put in a new dresser, it's coming together for sure! After that we went to get some lunch, and then some gelato at a cute little spot in walking distance to Nate's place. He seriously lives in the coolest neighborhood.

Once we finished up there I got ready around golden hour for this photoshoot. I really, really like how these photos turned out, look at Nate go, what a lil photog he's become. Anyway, today was great. How was your day?

I'll be back tomorrow with another post! I'm looking to post more often, as y'all know I tried, and surprised my self with how well I did, to post everyday, and I'm wanting to get back into that. Soooo we'll see. I'm only sort of busy, but I think I can manage... Until then! xo, O
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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

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Hey guys! In honor of the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale happening, I thought I would share some of my favorites that, if I had more than $21 in my account, I would buy!! To be completely honest, Nordstrom doesn't have much for my style, but they have some! Here are my faves, enjoy and happy shopping! xo, O

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Tuesday, July 18, 2017

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Happy Happy Tuesday! You know what that means here in the blogosphere right?? Ten Things Tuesday!! Yahoo! This is a somewhat mixed bag of things, but all things I'm loving this week. Let me know what you think in the comments down below!

1. Starting off with this beautiful braid tutorial from A Beautiful Mess, I wish my hair were long enough to do a style like this.
2. This DRESS! I love all of the beautiful colors! And anything this flowy and bright is perfect for summer.
3. BADDIE WINKLE. Honestly, need I say more? She's an inspiration, yeah she may be crass, and yeah she may wear clothes way out of my high schools dress code, but HEY she is eighty eight, living her life to the fullest, and she's way cooler than I am! Grandma goals!!

 4. For all the lovers of nutella, and for all the popsicle lovers, this summer sweet treat is for you!
5. If you're anything like me, when it comes to planning a trip the MOST important thing is making sure there are good restaurants to go to. Food is such an important and key way of learning about a new culture, this guide gives the top food cities in the world!! Seeing Hong Kong as #1 got me super excited for Hong Kong in the spring :))

6. Recently, I've been really into watching photography videos, Mango Street just made this one about how to shoot like Brandon Woelfel, pretty cool, pretty cool.
7. During my time of being sick, I for no reason made another Instagram account called @olivepink_ it's basically all things pretty and pink, peachy, and blush. Just a place with daily inspo in the best color ever. Sort of pointless, highly followable ;)
8. I've loved the artist Bodil Jane. She's an illustrator, and then makes things like, posters, cards, iphone cases, scarves, and more. Her style is so adorable, check her out!
9. As you know I love Pretty Little Liars, which unfortunatly is now over :( HOWEVER I will always continue to love and support all the liars, Troian Bellisario (my fave liar tbh) especially. Troian wrote and stared in a movie that came out YESTERDAY, and I'm SOO excited to watch it. I know this is SO illegal, but I have a link to view it for free! I'll only keep this link up for a few days just cause I don't want anything weird to happen, I don't know, but catch it while you can!!!

10. I LOVE Lucie Fink. She's the quirky video producer, and social media goddess at Refinery 29. She has a bit called "Living With Lucie" where she tries out different things making her life all the more interesting, she's adorable and entertaining for sure, give her a follow!!

Alrighty, that's all for these ten things! I hope you all enjoy! I'm off to go watch Feed! Have a great week xo, O

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Hello! Okay so I know it's not Sunday, but here is my Sunday video!! I tried TOO hard to get this video up, but my wifi was just not having it. Also I got super sick so I couldn't go anywhere to get better wifi, basically life wasn't on my side this weekend, BUT I hope you like this video. My last video got seven views which is really disheartening, so lets pick up the pace y'all!! Enjoy! xo, O
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Saturday, July 15, 2017

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Hello everyone :) If the feeling of cabin fever I was feeling last week wasn't enough, don't even get me STARTED on this week. I'm sick. So, so, so, SO, sick. Between fevers, and sore throats, I can hardly talk and can barely eat anything. Basically I'm a hot mess who's been in bed for three hundred years and can't do anything but be cold when it's hot and hot when it's cold. All I want to do is get out and have good summer adventures. UGH! So I apologize for my absence here, I just obviously haven't been up to it. However, I thought in the meantime I'd post these bad boys Ally and I took the other day.

I recently purchased the A2E Origins Lightroom Presets, and this was me just testing them out and I am not at ALL disappointed with the purchase. Very, very pleased :) I love how crisp, sharp, and intense everything is! The editing really makes a world of a difference in a photo. You can have two excellent compositions, one edited and one not at all, and one will look completely "bleh" compared to the other! My editing style is typically very bright, saturated, and light. What's yours?

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