Monday, July 24, 2017

Hello Everyone! Happy Monday, I hope your week is off to a great start! Mine sure is, today was a blast. It started out with breakfast at Urban Farmhouse with Nate, then we went back to his new apartment to work on decorating his room, which I think really looks great! We added some plants, hung some paintings, and put in a new dresser, it's coming together for sure! After that we went to get some lunch, and then some gelato at a cute little spot in walking distance to Nate's place. He seriously lives in the coolest neighborhood.

Once we finished up there I got ready around golden hour for this photoshoot. I really, really like how these photos turned out, look at Nate go, what a lil photog he's become. Anyway, today was great. How was your day?

I'll be back tomorrow with another post! I'm looking to post more often, as y'all know I tried, and surprised my self with how well I did, to post everyday, and I'm wanting to get back into that. Soooo we'll see. I'm only sort of busy, but I think I can manage... Until then! xo, O

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