Seeing Red

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

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Hello Hello! I know it's been a while, but here I am! Back and better than ever, and this time showing off some amazing garments designed by my friend Mariana! I actually met her while in line for the SCAD Fashion Show model casting, we were chatting and she asked me if I would be interested in modeling some of her clothes for her portfolio! All these photos were shot by another student and friend, Augusto, who since then I have shot with again, he's a lot of fun and so so good at what he does. I'm excited to share those photos with you guys soon too!! That's the thing that's so special about SCAD, I'm constantly surrounded by such talented, passionate, and hard working people who are always looking to constantly grow their personal brand by collaborating and working with other students, which is SO FUN! I'm so lucky! So thank you so so much to SCAD for providing me with such fantastic people to collaborate with and meet and just celebrate life with! Okie I'll quit rambling now... I hope y'all enjoy these photos! Let me know what you think :) xo
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Happy Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

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Happy Valentine's Day from my love to yours!!!

I'm in a long distance relationship, as many of you know, and although Nate and I couldn't be together on today's holiday, I still managed to make it great! With letter mail and packages, the distance doesn't seem so far. Today since all of my besties here at SCAD are also in long distance relationships we decided to make it a Gal-entine's Day rather than a Valentine's Day. So with heaps of Italian food, chocolate covered strawberries and ice cream today turned out to be fabulous, a Valentine's Day I'm sure to remember forever. No matter how you celebrated today, whether it be with your partner, or your partner in crime, I hope today was full of love and joy :)

Stay beautiful xo
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Postcards from Savannah

Monday, February 13, 2017

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Happy Monday loves! Here are some photos from my life lately here in Savannah! Everything has been so busy, but it's warmed up, flowers are blooming, and summer although so far away is in sight!!! Okay I know that sounds so silly, but for real it is! All I can think about is vacations to see Alli on Long Beach Island, road trips with Nate, and so so many adventures with my squad once we are all back together again :) Anyway, here are some photos from my life lately. I hope you enjoy!! xo
 Nate visits 1/27/17- took him to my favorite restaurant Bella's
 Exploring thrift stores with Alli 2/3/17
 spring has sprung in Savannah!!
 Mirabelle's waffles with the roomies 2/4/17
 Exploring candy shops on River St. 2/11/17
 A day spent relaxing, journaling, and enjoying 77degrees of sunshine in Forsyth Park 2/11/17
 walking around Downtown Savannah 2/11-12/13
Opposite side of the sunset on Broughton St. 2/12/13

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Sunday, February 12, 2017

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Alright guys, It's OFFICIALLY Valentine's Day Week! If you still don't have the perfect gift and you're stumped on what to get your significant other, I know EXACTLY what you need. MEUNDIES! Y'all know I love MeUndies, and during the holiday season they have a special feature where you can order a matching set for you and your boo!

So here's the funny story... I had originally ordered these thinking that Nate was going to be in town to do a super cute coupley v-day shoot with balloons, confetti, and of course MeUndies, however car complications made it so he couldn't come down in time for Valentine's Day, major :( But I already had the undies and of course still had to do a post with them, so MAJOR shout out to Cher for turning me missing Nate into the BEST Galentine's Day slumber party EVER!! Cher rocks!!

All of the latest MeUndies Valentine's Day prints are just the CUTEST! They come in pretty much all sizes, plenty of different styles for whatever is most comfortable for YOU! Whether it be an XXL boyshort, or an XXS thong they've got it!! So get clicking! What are you waiting for! Go get that matching set! It's a gift for you AND your partner, what's better than that? not much... GO GO GO!!

I hope you all have a wonderful, beautiful Valentine's day full of love, whether it be a guys or girls night in with pizza, netflix, and hella ice cream, or out on the town, OR with your bae doing something you love together. Stay safe and stay golden :) Now go order MeUndies!! xo

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Styling Chokers

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Hat- Forever 21 // dress- American Apparel // glasses- Beacon's Closet // shoes- Mod and Soul // chokers- the Future on Forsyth

HAPPY SUNDAY everyone :) If you have two eyes and have seen any girl (or guy) in the past year or so, you've noticed that everyone and their mother is always wearing chokers. What's up with that? That's sooooo nineties! Well yeah the first chokers that came back in trend a little over a year and a half ago were the tattoo chokers, and I'm sorry but I just couldn't get on the trend bandwagon. Honestly I haven't been able to climb aboard the Choker Express until very VERY recently. I always thought that with my short hair and long neck and largeish jaw, i don't know I just couldn't ever fully commit, I just always thought they looked weird or I just couldn't "pull them off". But then of course I reminded myself that the only way one can "pull something off" is to simply put it on, and just by showing that you're confident, others will see that and think to themselves, "wow look at her go, I wish I could pull that off." little do they know they CAN!

so ANYWAY! I got these chokers from a cool thrift store here in Savannah called The Future on Forsyth, and REALLY dig them. I have another Postcards From Savannah post coming this week and there are some photos from Future in there :) But yeah so for this look I staked two chokers on top of each other for some extra ~*pizzaz*~  and really like the way it turned out! This outfit is probably one of the more trendy things I've worn in a while, but so are chokers so there you go! It's sort of an edgy boho meets the "I only shop at Urban Outfitters" vibe, ya know?

Life lately has been busy busy BUSY as always but SO fantastic too :) I'll update y'all on everything in that post to come :) Have a fantastic week! xo
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