Waiting Game

Saturday, July 30, 2016

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Hey Hey babes! Happy Saturday!!
One thing that I really love about living here in The Fan is all the color! This wall is just a two minute walk away from my house, how fun is that? Thank you to all the people with colorful walls, allowing me to be my best lil fashion bloggin self ;) With this outfit I really wanted to wear a short sleeved white tshirt under this slip top but couldn't find one for the life of me. Ugh, I just want to be trendy. Do y'all like that look? Examples: 1 // 2 //
top + jeans- Forever 21 // shoes- Jeffery Campbell

I hope you all have something so spectacular lined up for this weekend. Honestly, I don't. I plan to watch some good Netflix, eat some vegan Ben + Jerry's and make smoothie bowls, post those pics on Instagram and then stalk my best friends new roommates on Instagram. Gotta make sure they are in good hands this upcoming year ya know ? hahaha And that's pretty much it!

Speaking of college, roommates and all that jazz, the count down has officially officially begun, twelve days until my friends begin leaving, and a whole FOURTY FIVE for me. Dear SCAD, I LOVE you, but WHY IN THE HECK ARE YOU KEEPING ME AWAY FROM YOU FOR SO LONG?!?! IT'S NOT FAIR, I JUST WANT TO START SCHOOL. I never thought I would be saying that. But I'm serious! I just want to get there. Back when I visited in 2015 I was ready to start the next day. It's been a year, over a year! I was ready to start during orientation, and now this wait is just KILLING ME. I talk to my roomies like every day, I'm just ready to move in! Alas, 45 more days...

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Friday, July 29, 2016

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dress- Shop Stevie // shoes- Forever 21 //

Hey sweet things! I know I said I'd post a few days ago, but it's Friday and here we are. It's whatevers, I'm here now and that's what counts right?! Saunders and I took these photos yesterday and let me tell you, it was about 99º outside, but it definitely felt like 1000º though. If you can't tell from these pics, (hopefully you can't) I was sweating BULLETS. And since I have kinda sorta really awful skin, when it's hot and I'm sweaty I get SO ITCHY. It's weird, eczema man, what are you going to do. So anyway, half the photos from this bundle are of me looking agitated scratching some part of my body, be it my leg, my arm or my neck. All super cute stuff!!

In other news, Ally and I went to our second and sadly, probably final, Shop Stevie pop up shop! They actually came to RVA this time! How fun!? That's where I got this dress, which I actually showed off in my most recent YouTube video. YT saw it first!!! If y'all aren't already, you should toooooottotollalally subscribe to my channel. Shout out to all 16 of my subscribers, y'all are loyal as heck, so thanks. Check it out HERE! <3 But isn't this dress just PERFECT?! I love it SO much, like so SOOOO much ugh, I love.

Do you guys have any new loves? Or a Youtube channel you want me to check out? Let me know in the comments below!! xo

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HUGE HAUL // Long time no see :)

Monday, July 25, 2016

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Dress- Shop Stevie // shoes- Converse // socks- Forever 21 // glasses- Beacon's Closet // necklace- Bear Ceramics

Hello Hello!! Long time no see! Did you like how in my last post I called it "Boulder Day One" and said I'd post more the next day and then never did? Yeah guys, I'm like REALLY good at blogging these days ;) And here's another example of how good I am, this post has been sitting in my drafts for over a month, so that's cool... But NOW I AM DEVOTED TO POSTING IT! I actually got a BUNCH of new clothes while in Boulder, so I have a lot of good content coming up which is EXCITING!! At least, I'm excited about it :) Hopefully you guys are too! That is if there are even any of you left, I feel like my follower count goes down every day I don't post, and my posts are so so few these days... sorry about that.

Anyway, Boulder was absolutely INCREDIBLE, like SOOOO incredible, every morning I wake up and wish I were back there. It is the most beautiful place on Earth, the happiest place on Earth, and the most full of love place on Earth. That's a lot! And while I was there (smooth transition) I bought a lot of clothes, so here is a new YouTube video for ya: A huge haul / try on vid!!! Check it out and subcribeee babies <3 lots of love, more posts tomorrow, I PROMISE xo

p.s. all these dope pics were taken by the one and only bro


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Sunday, July 17, 2016

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HELLO FROM COLORADO! I'm not sure if I mentioned or not to you guys that Nate and I were traveling out to Boulder to visit Emma, Saunders and Charlie, but... HERE WE ARE! Man oh man, it's only day one and we are loving the heck out of this place. Everywhere you turn there is something new and beautiful. Not pictured here was our day trip to WATER WORLD, which by the way was the BEST ADVENTURE EVER!
All those photos above were taken in Charlie's backyard. I kid you not, you walk out the door and see all this magic madness. I'm in love <3
And then here is Emma's backyard! Sorta, it's like two blocks up, but two very very easy quick walks. Man am I jealous, I mean yeah, we have our little koi babies in our yard at home, but nothing, NOTHING, compared to this. More to come tomorrow :))
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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

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Good Morning lovelies :) the other day Joanna and I were experimenting with different toast toppings, and they actually turned out really well, so I thought I'd share! For the toast, all each one is the 7 grain ezekiel bread, which is soooo good!

For the base we blended up some Tofutti vegan cream cheese and fresh cut strawberries, we didn't measure anything specifically out just sort of added to taste and how we much we felt we needed. We also didn't blend it up completely, we left some strawberry chunks in there for texture.

And then just top with Strawberries and Pomegranates :)

This was our most simple toast, the base was just Justin's chocolate peanut butter, then topped with sliced bananas and more pomegranates.

Unfortunately, this toast turned out to be pretty dry, so I recommend adding more bananas or blueberries.


A fan favorite, the base is simply just mashed avocado!

Topped with baby tomatoes, sesame seeds, and if you like, balsamic vinegar- which isn't shown in the picture because it's really seriously unphotogenic.

For this toast, we did the same thing we did for the strawberry toast, mixed Tofutti cream cheese and chopped blueberries. This was pretty tangy tasting, so we also added sugar to taste.

Then for the top, as you can see, bananas and blueberries!! Piece of cake!
And there you have it! If you try any of these, let me know! Tag me in a photo on Instagram or use #allthoselittlethingsblog, or feel free to email me too! I always love hearing from you guys <3 Enjoy!
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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

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HEY FAM!! The other day, Ally and I went on a little road trip to check out the Shop Stevie pop up shop hosted by one of our longtime favorite bloggers, Keena Peery, and then spend some time at the beach! We had a great time meeting everyone and playing around in the ocean. We ate great Chinese food and danced in front of self timer, what's better than that? I will do an outfit post sometime soon showing off what I bought, will probably take those photos later today actually... So you'll be seeing them soon :) Anyway, hope you enjoy these photos as much as we enjoyed our road trip! (AND THAT'S A LOT OF ENJOYMENT SO YOU BETTER LIKE THEM) (lol sorry for the aggression)

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