Sunday, July 17, 2016

HELLO FROM COLORADO! I'm not sure if I mentioned or not to you guys that Nate and I were traveling out to Boulder to visit Emma, Saunders and Charlie, but... HERE WE ARE! Man oh man, it's only day one and we are loving the heck out of this place. Everywhere you turn there is something new and beautiful. Not pictured here was our day trip to WATER WORLD, which by the way was the BEST ADVENTURE EVER!
All those photos above were taken in Charlie's backyard. I kid you not, you walk out the door and see all this magic madness. I'm in love <3
And then here is Emma's backyard! Sorta, it's like two blocks up, but two very very easy quick walks. Man am I jealous, I mean yeah, we have our little koi babies in our yard at home, but nothing, NOTHING, compared to this. More to come tomorrow :))

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