Waiting Game

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Hey Hey babes! Happy Saturday!!
One thing that I really love about living here in The Fan is all the color! This wall is just a two minute walk away from my house, how fun is that? Thank you to all the people with colorful walls, allowing me to be my best lil fashion bloggin self ;) With this outfit I really wanted to wear a short sleeved white tshirt under this slip top but couldn't find one for the life of me. Ugh, I just want to be trendy. Do y'all like that look? Examples: 1 // 2 //
top + jeans- Forever 21 // shoes- Jeffery Campbell

I hope you all have something so spectacular lined up for this weekend. Honestly, I don't. I plan to watch some good Netflix, eat some vegan Ben + Jerry's and make smoothie bowls, post those pics on Instagram and then stalk my best friends new roommates on Instagram. Gotta make sure they are in good hands this upcoming year ya know ? hahaha And that's pretty much it!

Speaking of college, roommates and all that jazz, the count down has officially officially begun, twelve days until my friends begin leaving, and a whole FOURTY FIVE for me. Dear SCAD, I LOVE you, but WHY IN THE HECK ARE YOU KEEPING ME AWAY FROM YOU FOR SO LONG?!?! IT'S NOT FAIR, I JUST WANT TO START SCHOOL. I never thought I would be saying that. But I'm serious! I just want to get there. Back when I visited in 2015 I was ready to start the next day. It's been a year, over a year! I was ready to start during orientation, and now this wait is just KILLING ME. I talk to my roomies like every day, I'm just ready to move in! Alas, 45 more days...


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