Spy - feat. Trends Gal

Monday, June 29, 2015

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blouse and vest- Forever 21 // jeans- Old Navy // shoes- Trends Gal

Sup homies, let me tell you, when we were shooting these photos it was nonstop sweat. How lovely right? The world of fashion blogging truly is oh so glamorous... Anyway, the beautiful ladies over at Trends Gal sent me these shoes to show off to you guys, aren't they so cool!? I wish I got a better close up shot to shoe (show) (haha I'm punny) you guys, but unfortunately, none came out clearly. I went for a sort of tough-ish rocker chick look to style these shoes. I feel like they're for either a total outer space floraly girl, or a rocker chick. But hey! Anyone can rock them that's for sure!!

Thanks Trends Gal!
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The xx

Saturday, June 27, 2015

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Courtney and I took some photos during magic hour the other day and these photos turned out better than expected. 

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My Internship at Verdalina!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

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Happy Thursday! A few weeks ago I got the amazing opportunity to intern at the store, Verdalina. It was so much fun! I learned so much, from ordering new clothes for the upcoming season, to working with customers, and being backstage at a photoshoot! It was a fantastic week, I met some really wonderful people and today I'm sharing with you a few photos of the oh so beautiful Verdalina :)
Have a great week!
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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAMA!!! Today is my glorious mamasita's birthday! I wish I could spend the day with her but I'm out here in South Carolina.

I love love LOVE you so much and miss you SO much! I hope today is the best day EVER and this year is EVEN BETTER!!! Here's to turning 21! Don't get too crazy at the clubs tonight girl ;)

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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

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sweater- Wet Seal // shirt- Hollister // shorts- Target // shoes- Converse

Hey guys! Right now I am in South Carolina visiting my best friend from camp, Courtney! This entire outfit is by Courtney. Her style is very boho festivalish, which is very very in right now! Go Curt! I have never really worn this style before, but it's really fun and super cute!

South Carolina has been so much fun, between endless heeps of ice cream, mountain visits, boat rides, sunsets, Goodwill shopping sprees, and loads of waffles, this has been the best week ever. I hate to leave so soon. The summers just begun!

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Father's Day

Sunday, June 21, 2015

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Happy Father's Day to this cool cat! Sorry I couldn't spend the day with you but I love you so SO much!

Guys, I have the COOLEST, most AMAZING, TERRIFIC pops in the entire universe! Be jealous...

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Saturday, June 20, 2015

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shorts- Calvin Klein (used to be pants, I cut them) // shirt and shoes- Hidden Fashion

High waisted anything remain a staple of warm weather fashion in closets all around the world. I think that every girl should have a pair of high waisted shorts in their wardrobe, they are so flattering, comfortable, and super super cute. Here are some affordable high waisted shorts:
1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 //

Nothing beats that fabulous feeling when you feel your hot shoulders and arms and just know you're burning, sweat rolling down your face in between your eye brows and just being tired all the time cause of how drained you are from the sun... oh wait, no, that feeling sucks. There is nothing I hate more (that's a lie) than hot hot weather. Muggy air, always feeling sticky, red flushed complexion, just gross greasy hair all the time. Heat does this to me and I hate it. Sorry to be a total negative Nelly, but seriously, it's so so gross. Please just let me stay inside all day long in the AC with Bob's Burgers and a comfy pair of fuzzy socks, I live a really simple life, that's all..
p.s. this song was stuck in my head while shooting these photos, seemed fitting...

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Demin Days + A Giveaway!!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Hey babiess, I know I know, it's been FOREVER, what like three hundred years? Yeah, something like that since I last blogged... But hey! I'm here now, and this time, WITH A GIVEAWAY! Everybody is lovin on watermelon lately in the retail world, exhibit a, b, c, d... you get it, I mean, what's not to like honestly! Not only is watermelon a total summer staple but the cuuuutttesttt. I'm a total fan. So what's not to LOVE about this adorable watermelon pin from Fantasyard!? It can be yours!!! Just enter the raffle by following me on Instagram and commenting what you want to see more of on my blog below in the comments :) All the info is right here: !!! Enter away and good luck! :)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I just got these shoes in the mail from Forever 21 the other day and I am in loooovvveeee with them already. At first when I saw them I only saw them in the brown and was sold but not completely. When I found the blue I absolutely fell in love and am SO glad I got them. They're just PERFECT for summer!! YAYA!!
I've got all the important pins on here, The Avett Brothers, Leonardo DiCaprio, Blurry Mike Wazowski, duh, a super cool recycled heart guy, and of course, THE WATERMELON!
I hope everyone's summers are going great! I've been in summer for three weeks now and it's been nothing but fabulous (except for that time I got the flu during the SAT, that sure was fun.... ugh) I have a few videos that I never got to posting due to lack of storage on my computer (oops) but those should be up soonish :) Have a good day and don't forget to enter the giveaway!! :)) xo
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