Words With... Thursday? Yeah, Chapter 40 (what?! woah)

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Happy Thursday everyone! Yup, that's right, it's Thursday.... I'm still catching up on old posts here guys! Just go with it........ SOOOO This Sunday we ate at a new place, both new to us and RVA, and it was DE-LIC-IOUS. Wow, really, I don't think I've had better Italian in my life... The place is called Graffiato. Oh man oh man it really was amazing. Nothing was just "okay" I kid you not everything was spectacular, from the brussel sprouts to the fudge cake. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.... mmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Mama came along this week too! :D
shirt, jacket, pants- Old Navy // sweater- Forever 21 // necklace- Show The Love // shoes- vintage

I love a chic suit look. It's professional, yet attractive and not too office-y. I got this blazer freshman year and never ever really wore it, until now... and I totally love it! And the way these shoes match my turtle neck... heheh now I'm just bragging.. hahah 

It was wayyyyyyyyy too cold to even think about taking photos outside, if I remember correctly, I think it was in the teens, and the wind, oh boy... It's definitely winter here in Richmond... 

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