Black, White, a Bit of Color, But Mostly Dark

Friday, September 27, 2013

How's it hanging?
I hope all hangs well and as rad as always. 
Well at least it has been for me :)
This week was spirit week at my school 
(Monday: 'MURICA day, Tuesday: Baby day, Wednesday: Superhero day, Thursday: Athlete day, and Friday: Gold or White) 
Our school is divided into two teams, the Golds and the Whites
(our school colors...)
I'm a gold! Yippee!!!
But other than this week being a dress up and look silly week it was also STRESS MANIA 1000X!!
Erggg so many hard tests and quizzes! You have no idea how happy I am that it's FINALY Friday! 

As for these photo's however...
Ally and I ended a stressful week with a little photoshoot at the VMFA-- Virginia Museum of Fine Art.
They have a very photogenic property and it is right down the street from Ally's neighborhood. Although these photos are blurry, fuzzy, out of focus and so on. Shooting with a Nikon at night time...... not ideal... we are Canon girls all the way, but Ally's dad has a Nikon and well it'll do for now...

Well what'cha wearin?
blouse // TJMaxx
skirt // Ally's
tights // Ally's
shoes // TOMS
sweater // Ally's Mom -- Thanks Mrs. Sharp :)

Have a great weekend! We wish you the best :)
OH! And also I really need to be 100% focused during school so I am now a weekend blogger :3
Love you all oh so oh so so much :)



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