Words With Sunday + Chapter 38 (first of 2015!)

Sunday, January 4, 2015

This week, for the first Words With Sunday of 2015 (!!!) we went to The Boathouse. We'd been before, but only for dinner, so we were excited to try it for brunch. Let me tell you, it did not disappoint. I got the DIY (lol) omelet station, Saunders (Saunders came!) got the DIY waffles. They sort of had a create your own bar, but only for those two things, so not a buffet. Pop got the Eggs Benni, which he said was deeeelish! Mine was SO good! I can't wait to go back!
Oh! And try the clam chowder (insert heart eyes emoji here) so.flippin.good.omg
The Boathouse is also especially cool because of it's awesome location, the restaurant is upstairs, overlooking The James. The walls are floor to ceiling windows, and they have a deck that you can eat on (it was too chilly) but really, the atmosphere is on point.
shirt- (old) Old Navy // dress- H&M // tights- Target // shoes- asos

These photos are great, although I only ended up using two, I really like the way they turned out. What makes them so great is how rustic and industrial the location is, yet how cute and girly my little outfit is! haha.

Today I was dressed up as a total crazy cat lady, cat dress, cat purse, and to top it off a turtleneck... hahaha. I really do love clothes with cats on them. Seriously adorable, amiright?!

I go back to school tomorrow, I hope you all have a good week! xo

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