OMG IT'S TWENTY FIFTEEN! let's make some resolutions...

Monday, January 5, 2015

Wow, 2015 already? That just seems so crazy to me, I graduate next year. What the heck, someone needs to slow time down please, everything is moving waaaayyyyy too fast for me...
BUT I might as well enjoy where I am right now, sooooo here are some resolutions // a (mini unfinished) bucket list to make 2015 the BEST YEAR EVER!!!

Let's get started...

1. Starting with the obvious that basically everyone has as their number one: RUN- exercise as much as possible and get to a healthy happy state with my body

2. Reach 1 MILLION blog hits. Right now I have about 70,000, a million is a lot but this is the year for the blog!! I can do it! But HEY YOU!! YES YOU! YOU are the ones who will make that happen! YOUR views!! Help me out here folks!

3. Journal every night, thoughtful reflections, or just how I'm feeling. I used to journal everyday multiple times a day, but since school started I haven't kept up. I find that a journal is something very important to keep, even my ones from a year or so ago are fun (and funny) to look back on. They're really good little time machines to see how you've changed over the years. Also just to see who you were at that time. Whether it's a drawing or writing, I want to journal every night.

4. Pay more attention and really strive for excellence in school. That's pretty self explanatory... But I'm coming up on the toughest parts of my high school career and I really need to work hard to get into a good college that I want to go to. And I want to have options. 

5. Sing often. Since I dropped out of Censations and Chorale I don't sing much, and music was such a huge part of my life that I don't want to loose entirely. 

6. Bike on all the beautiful days! Ain't nothing I love more than a good bike ride :) I want to take advantage of it this Spring and Summer.

7. Love everyone to the fullest. I want to work on caring for others more, practicing good outward vibes to the people around me, not only making my day better, but making someone happy and feel loved every day.

8. Be selfish... While this is the total opposite of #7, I do need to remember that although others, school, and extra adventures are awesome, I need to always put myself first, and care for myself. I want to always be healthy and in good peace with myself, at all times.

9. Get license. Yeahhhhh.... I really need to do that...
 THE BEST (unfinished) BUCKET LIST:
1. Go to New York and meet bloggers this summer
2. Bike to Williamsburg
3. Drink Hot Chocolate from every coffee shop in RVA on a search for the best coco around
4. Go to a Lana Del Rey and another Avett Brothers concert
5. Master the art of the Mug Cake
6. Go out of the country
7. Get a job
8. Tube down the James River with my best friends
9. Make homemade pasta
10. Go to a music festival
11. Apply and get into the college of my dreams!
12. Go on a roadtrip with my best friends
13. Visit Mimi in Dallas and Visit Uncle JJ in Portland
14. Meet someone famous
15. Ride rollercoasters
16. Zipline (!!!)
17. Stargaze in the back of a truck with a bunch of pillows and blankets (hehe)
18. Get another piercing
19. Go to Madame Tusades!!! Seriously I've always wanted to go but never have... It'll be so creepy, I can't wait!
20. Perfect my chocolate chip cookie recipe and find the best way to make the best cookies, ever.
21. Do lots of art projects, especially the ones I never got around to doing, but had ideas for // finish old art projects

And that's it so far for that.
Here's to 2015 being the BEST YEAR EVER!!!
"He said I've been to the year 2105, not much has changed but they live underwater"



  1. Best of luck with all those resolutions! I think this is going to be a great year for you!
    xx Sandra King

  2. Great resolutions! You can do it! I am sure! And I will try and help as much as I can with your 1 million hits ;)


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