Actually, I'm Freezing...

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Happy Saturday! Normally Saturdays are just the best thing ever butttttt not when it means you only have a day until you have to go back to school after a two week break :( yeah yeah yeah, break was fun, but fine, I'll admit, I am really excited to go back to school. I get to see all my friends and teachers again. Sometimes, although, I've been free from hard work and school stress, it's nice to get back into the schedule and routine.
 shirt- thrifted // shorts- H&M // shoes- ShoeMint 

Yesterday, my mom came home from Goodwill bearing gifts!! This shirt being one of them, which I looooveee. Nothing better than a unique piece from Goodwill ;) As for these shorts, I got a $40 gift card to H&M for Christmas and these were one of the things I bought with it. I can't wait to break these back out this summer and wear them nonstop. As for right now, actually, I'm freezing... I'm still stuck in that "I just bought these and I'm going to wear them everyday for the first two weeks" You know how it is...

What are some of your favorite summer pieces you're excited to wear this year?

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