
Saturday, January 31, 2015

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outfit- Forever 21 // leggings- American Apparell
Happy Saturday! Last night I did some shopping at Forever 21 and bought a bunch of basics, and I'm in lovee!! I love the drapey, loose and unfitted look this outfit has, yet you see my body actually does have some shape under the dress between the slits with the leggings. I think, you know, with my psychic powers, I'm looking into the future, and I have a feeling this sweater will be my new favorite "go-to" "wear-all-the-time" sweater.

And these shoes?! Oh these shoes, I'm obsessed.
Tonight my squad et moi are seeing Ingrid Michaelson in concert for Ally's birthday!! OMGOMG! I cannot wait, counting down the seconds!
What are your weekend plans? xo
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Snow White

Friday, January 30, 2015

Richmond rarely gets snow, and when it does it's just about an inch and melts withing four hours. But I like to take advantage of it when I can, ain't nothing better than a magical photoshoot or some sleddin'
 crown- DIY // dress- Mom's prom dress :O

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It's My Party (9/17)

Thursday, January 29, 2015

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Hey Hey It's my birthdayyy!!! Well... at least yesterday was :) But I've just gotten to edit some photos and I wanted to share! (duh) SO What I'm showing you tonight is my beautiful blue birthday dress and the AMAZING decorations I woke up to! Every year we are suprised with the dining room decorated in a spectacular way personalized just for us. A tradition I will definitely do for my kids one day :)
dress- thrifted // shoes- ShoeMint // belt- gifted

This dress is the PERFECT dress for a number of reasons, 1. It swings and twirls PERFECTLY, 2. it has a circle cutout in the back which is PERFECT, 3. It is my favorite clothing color, a PERFECT royal blue, and 4. it's PERFECTLY thrifted!!! You catch my drift? It's pretty perfect for a birthday dress.....
None other than my favorite color of course!! Thanks mama :)

What are your favorite birthday traditions?
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Birthday Chronicles 8/17 Purple Lipstick

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 Purple Lipstick and trying to be edgy with leather.....
 My lipstick is Revlon ColorBurst Matte Balm
shirt- H&M // jacket- thrifted // leggings- Jessica Simpson // shoes- Target // necklace- vintage

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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

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Today on my day off, I decided it would be a good idea to do some outfit photos for upcoming posts. This was one of them and by far my favorite. This beret plus a Scottie-dog turtleneck and overalls just screams little munchkin to me. It felt great dressing like a little Norwegian boy. hahaaa.... it's so true though, that's what I look like, and I love it.

Tomorrow is my birthday!! I can't wait. I have my dress all picked out and everything, it will be the best day ever :) xo
 shirt- JC Penny // overalls- Gap // shoes- Danskos // beret- vintage

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Snow Day #2

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We had another snow day today!! :)) And this time I decided to create a little video for y'all stuck inside.
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Birthday Chronicles 7/17 - Draw me like one of your french fries

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A photo posted by olivia ruffin (@olivebarrett) on
Hey guys! I love love LOVE to draw. Alright I can't draw anything realistic to save my life, but I have been drawing a lot lately and it really brings me joy. Whether it's in school (sorry ma) or at home I'm constantly doing it. I'll be honest, 99.9 percent of the time it's gals just doing nothing, but it's my thing, ya know?
Something exciting: Two Christmas' ago my sister bought for me a Bamboo tablet. I've only used it to edit and write on my photos, but today I drew on it. Okay okay, they're a bit pixel-y, but that's okay! I'm learning! And totally loving it ;)

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Birthday Chronicles 6/17 - Open for business

Monday, January 26, 2015

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Hey guys! So if you remember in my first Birthday Chronicles post, I meantioned that I wanted to open an Etsy shop. However, I've tried and failed mannnyyy times to do so. SO! I was bepoping around and found an app made for selling just about anything and everything. It's called "Depop". Here I can sell not only my art, but also my clothes! I still have a lot I want to list, but the weekend sort of got away from me... 

But please, download the app and check it out! Maybe even buy a little something something ;)
Happy Shopping!

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Pinspiration Monday // INDIA

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As many of you know, this time next month I will be traveling and exploring India. Just typing those words feels so unbelievable. I have yet to even take into account just how lucky I am to be going to India so soon. It's all so surreal. Just wait until I get there right? I don't know what to expect, just that I am so SO excited!!! I have never been anywhere nearly similar to India, nor out of the continental US. Let's just say I CANNOT WAIT.

So on that note, this week I decided to share some Pinterest photos of India. All these photos can be found on my Pinterest

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