Words With Sunday + Chapter 31

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Happy Sunday!
Oh wait... It's Thursday... I really am sorry y'all, my life has been so busy lately omg! I have tried to take outfit photos this week-- my outfits have been pretty on point ;) but it's rained everyday!! Rude. Anyway, here (finally) is a video for my Sunday.
If you didn't catch it from the video, we went to a spot called "C Street" and it was de.lish.ious! I had a deep dish pumpkin spice pancake so exotic!! SOOO good! 

I am wearing:
dress- H+M // sweater - SHEINSIDE! I MESSED UP IN THE VIDEO! sorry hehehe // tights - Jessica Simpson (Burlington, but can probably be found elsewhere) // socks - Target // shoes - Chinese Laundry // Umbrella (lol) - Marshalls

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love yall :)

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