Behind the Scenes of My Free People Photoshoot!!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

This past Wednesday, I experienced one of the best events of my life. (Aside from seeing The Avett Brothers live) I was asked by members of Free People and FPme to model for their blog and website!! At first, to be honest I didn't think it was real. Too good to be true! Alas, after a few back and fourth emails with the leader of this program, I knew that I couldn't pass up such an opportunity.

The photos from the event are going to be sent to me in around a week so they said, the video- one to two weeks. That is really actually very quick, and I cannot wait to share!! Until then, I thought I would share some of the photos I took on my camera, a little behind the scenes tour of the day :)
 When I first arrived they told me to search the store for pieces to create two complete outfits for the shoot. It was a dream. How many times have you been window shopping and said, "Ugh I wish I could just have it all, I want all of my outfits to be (insert brand here)" Yeah well, that's pretty much what became my reality for one amazing day. However, the dream sadly ended when I had to give it all back... but! They did let me keep one sweater and I am in love! 

After choosing our outfits, we piled on the bus where we headed to Graves Mountain for the shoot! 
On the bus, we bonded and got to know each other. There were about fifteen of us, most bloggers of Virginia. I was the youngest one there by a long shot, ten or so years at least... But none of that mattered, we all had a fabulous time together, I feel like I've made some great friends. The leaders of the trip all worked at the FP HQ in Philly, super nice and extremely fun ladies. They said that if I were ever interested in a possible internship to contact them because they'd totally spread the word for me. Hello connections!!
 We started off the adventure with horseback riding.....
 and apple picking...
 and much...
I am waiting on the edge of my seat to see the photos and video,
I know you probably are too.... I will share them as soon as I get them!
Have a great night!

like what you see? follow me on instagram for similar photos everyday!!

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