Words With Sunday + Chapter 29

Sunday, October 5, 2014

 Happy Sunday! Yes, It is true, I am still alive... although the rumors of my disappearance in the blogosphere were spreading rapidly, they were all lies. I am still here friends. It has been what, two weeks since my last blogpost? Oh me oh my, my apologies, sincerely. 

Any who, today Pops and I went to a new (for us at least) spot in Cary Town called Water Coastal Kitchen. I thought it was pretty good! I got classic blueberry pancakes, although I do wish there were more blues in there, they were still pretty good. Papa got the fried green tomato eggs benedict. He said it was alright, but he and I agreed to go back because although not spectacular, we enjoyed it, and will probably return for dinner.
 lol laughing
I have some big very exciting plans this week and I just CANNOT wait to share with you! 
What about you.. any plans? Comment!!

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