Friday Cheers!

Monday, June 2, 2014

On Friday I had the best time with Ally, my sister, and my dad at a cool thing my city does every Friday, called "Friday Cheers" It consists of, a concert, loads of yummy food trucks, cute boys hehehe of courseee... friends and fun! That sounded cheezy but that's exactly what it consists of so yes. Last Friday was my first time ever going and I had a great time. Thanks Richmond!!
 A man and his ladies

Of course, naturally I made a video of our super fun night out! 
Mother Nature was too kind to us on Friday... I kid you not, the sky looked like a million shades of my favorite color, hopes, dreams, and splendors. Thank you for making this world so beautiful.
I hope you all have a great week! xoxolivia.

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