842 Edgewood Road

Sunday, December 30, 2012

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After lunch, we visited our old house 842 Edgewood road, a little trip down memory lane. Except for me it was like pulling up to some random house in some random neighborhood and looking at it... I didn't remember a thing, and well still don't.  But hey I was only three when we moved so I think that explains that. It was still fun visiting, I am really glad to be back. 

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Sorry This Might Take a While I Can't See My Fingers...

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Today we visited up with our old next door neighbors for lunch; Fancy Nancy and Uncle Mondo. {That's what we call them} So we arrived at around 12:15-30 and only expecting to stay until about 2... not quite. We got there and the house smelled amazing, Fancy was making not only one pizza but two, delicious pasta paninis (spelling?) and a salad with homemade dressing, well everything was homemade. Oh and did I forget the part where they are Italian...? But their house was beautifully decorated, Fancy is so creative and artistic, she has so many cool ideas for decorating the house, and especially since Christmas time, all the more merry!! So above are just some pictures that I took from their house, so that will give you a taste {get it? cause we ate lunch... maybe not... thats okay} of the kind of glitzy fun style they have. And they have this cat that is feisty and extremely photogenic. So yeah, I think I ate five times my body weight, and I loved every bite

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What a LYFE!

Friday, December 28, 2012

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For dinner tonight we went to a restaurant named LYFE {Love. Your. Food. Everyday} it was delicious I ordered a margarita flatbread pizza.

They were light yet filling, this restaurant was a completely local, natural, gluten free, organic, basically a gardeners dream. I loved the atmosphere, it was big and comfortable, with many different options of seating. You walk in and to your right are hanging gardens where they have all their vegetables and herbs planted that they use in the dishes! You walk up to the register and order there, then choose any seat. We sat at a table with big mauve chairs, cozy and clean. The people who work their were very nice and welcoming. We did not get dessert there but we did look at the menu and they had some intriguing stuff. Chocolate mousse with orange shavings and sliced pistachios. But instead we went to the creamery 

The Brownie A La Mode was calling my name, so that is what I ordered, basically a brownie fudge sundae for those of you who don't understand the deliciousness. Im stuffed

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I'll Double Bounce You

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Saunders and I found the trampoline 

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Take a Picture


Stop and take a picture

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Morning middle westsiders looks like today we don't have everything sorted out, but until then, some cheerios.

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The House of My Dreams

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The house we are staying in is my moms good friends guest house, it is really fun to explore and just to hang out in. The yard is amazing and they have an exercise house, it is really cool. I wish I could live here. 

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We Have Arrived

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Our last plane ride for a while, in the last row

While in the airport we met with a lady who is viral! She is really famous for a TED talk that she did about body language, it was really interesting, her name is Amy Cuddy. Just google her.

I dont remember this, but apparently this was our favorite fast food restaurant when we lived in San Fran,  Tacos El Grullense (spelling?)  it was really good, and after eating some tacos, the flavors started coming back to me. I wish we still lived here! 

Probably the most popular drink here in San Francisco 

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What States Chicago in? IL!

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All one ever needs when flying, a good blog and some cranberry apple juice, or formally known at crapple juice to keep you occupied until you get to...

The Great City of Chicago! 
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Chasing the Sun

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When I fly over top of the clouds it makes me feel invincible! Looking down at the atmosphere, and imagining the fluffy sensation that is jumping on the clouds. Seeing the sun set, and set again... chasing the sun. Where there is an endless horizon, you realize you are looking over top of many states and countries; the world. But then reality hits you and you take a look away from the window and realize you are in a dirty crammed plane, with babies crying and air conditioning vents that are louder than life. Take a look out again and the noise vanishes. 

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And We're Off!

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As requested here are some photos from the Richmond airport, flying to Chicago and making a quick stop then off to San Francisco! 

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Pack Maniac!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

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I am the worst at packing or trips, I always either under pack or over pack, or assume that the weather is going to be much hotter or colder than it is. So we are going to San Francisco and the weather is moderately 30-58 degrees so nice but chilly. We will be there for a week and a half. Hopefully what I packed is sufficient.

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Nail Art Stickers


I love nail art stickers, they are easy to apply, last for a really long time, and come in many different patterns and colors!

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This Is Me

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

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This is me:
Olivia Barrett Ruffin
loves fashion
hates nachos
wants to be a talk show host
twin sister: Katie Jennison {same last name...?}
best friends: Ally Joanna Isabelle Lucy
hates french and sleep and tea- too cliché 
likes leaves
thinks that smart phones take up too much time
likes to Skype instead of doing homework
born in Palo Alto, CA
1998 baby
getting mail is the best feeling ever
owns an over flowing bulletin board with pictures 
makes collages 
gets Taylor Swift songs stuck in head {often}
only will ever use little kid sparkle tooth paste
older sister emma
older brother saunders
wishes life were like Jane By Design
aspires to be retro
blogging is cool 

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New Camera

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     I would like to thank my new camera, the "Canon PowerShot SX260 HS" for making -All Those Little Things- possible. Thanks camera :)

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Target Haul!

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     Today Emma and I went to Target to "buy one or two pairs of pants" ... likely story, of course my mother had to know that we were going to come home with not one or two pants but also glasses, belts, heals, skirts, shirts, dresses, jackets when I mean please the store was 50% off, how could we resist? 

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The Hair Bow

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     This is most definitely one of my favorite hairstyles of all time. I love going out, and once I have gotten good at the technique, quickly putting it up and showing it off. Having everyone be so amused by the unique hairstyle. It is so quirky and very suiting with bangs or deep parts. Next time you are out with some friends, {or the pops for some real amusement} whip up this hairstyle and be the glam diva you were born to be.
     So if you didn't get that... first brush out all of your hair completely, better safe than knotted. pull hair into a high ponytail bun with the tail in the front of your head. Split the bun in half (two parts) and follow the tail unto the back of the bun and pin with a hair colored bobby pin. Feel free to fluff up the bow as much as desired, personally I like mine fluffy and perky. Have fun :)

~xoxo olivia~

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Flat Iron Waves

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      I got this flat iron "Conair Infiniti" from my mother for Christmas, and I know that Christmas was only yesterday... but I love this. It is great for not only straightening but also {odviously} for waving and curling! It heats up instantly, and gets up to 390 degrees, which is a good temperature for me especially because I have very fine, and thin hair. I like the wavy look a lot with bangs, because sometimes bangs have a mind of their own and get poofy or curly, but with the waves it evens everything out and looks very cute. 
     So if you didn't get that, waving with a flat iron is very simple, just crimp in opposing directions through out the head, as the process comes along, it begins getting faster and easier. This is an easy roll-out-of-the-bed look. But also classy and cute. Enjoy! And I hope you have fun trying this!

     ~xoxo olivia

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