What a LYFE!

Friday, December 28, 2012

For dinner tonight we went to a restaurant named LYFE {Love. Your. Food. Everyday} it was delicious I ordered a margarita flatbread pizza.

They were light yet filling, this restaurant was a completely local, natural, gluten free, organic, basically a gardeners dream. I loved the atmosphere, it was big and comfortable, with many different options of seating. You walk in and to your right are hanging gardens where they have all their vegetables and herbs planted that they use in the dishes! You walk up to the register and order there, then choose any seat. We sat at a table with big mauve chairs, cozy and clean. The people who work their were very nice and welcoming. We did not get dessert there but we did look at the menu and they had some intriguing stuff. Chocolate mousse with orange shavings and sliced pistachios. But instead we went to the creamery 

The Brownie A La Mode was calling my name, so that is what I ordered, basically a brownie fudge sundae for those of you who don't understand the deliciousness. Im stuffed

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