21 AT 21

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Okay, so my birthday was Monday, BUT I'm still celebrating!
I actually have been celebrating all week with friends leading up to tomorrow night when I'm throwing my birthday party! It's dancing queen themed and I could not be more excited! We are going to have a disco ball and bell bottoms and EVERYTHING! Cannot wait!

But wow, 21?! How did this happen. I have never been a huge drinker, and technically that's the main milestone when you turn 21, but honestly I've just been equating it to being a real full time adult. Like a why is your room still so messy, stop going to bed at 4am kind of adult! Love that for me. Love the stress that is yet to come with all things adulting!

I am going to post all about my Birthday Chronicles probably tomorrrrrowww... Today I just wanted to share with you 21 things that I am excited about for my year of 21!
champagne pop, girl popping champagne with confetti, confetti, party girl, fashion party,
1. Continuing my self love journey- Because you can never love yourself too much

2. Writing more- Not just journaling, but poems and stories, I used to write all the time and I want to get back into it! I'm at a place in my life where I know I'll want to look back on!

3. Traveling- 20 was a big travel year too with Hong Kong and all, but this year I'm going to Europe for the first time ever and am BEYOND excited to explore over there

4. Moving to France- but specifically, moving to France when I study abroad again this spring. Lacoste, France to be specific!

5. Living with my best friends- I'm already doing this now, yes, but I'm loving every second of it and am excited for it to continue all year long!

6. Dating- Because I'm single for the first time since early high school and it's FUN just meeting new people and seeing where it goes!

7. Getting an internship for sure. For sure.
8. Going to fancy bars and drinking colorful cocktails- I may not be a heavy drinker, the photo above shows that pretty well... But I am a sucker for an aesthetically pleasing cocktail

9. Growing a healthily on social media- I REALLY want to boost my growth this year, but in a non-back breaking, organic way

10. Celebrating all the little things- There is nothing better than getting excited over something seemingly small. So many things in life are worth celebrating!

11. Singing at the top of my lungs- Because what's better than a windows down, music up kind of ride?

12. Making conscious decisions- I am a very go with the flow kind of person, or at least I'm telling myself I am, but I would like to do things more with intentions and be more aware of what it is I am doing.

13. Being a supportive, loving friend- My friends have always been so good to me, and I want to always be there for them no matter what as well. Not that I haven't in the past, it's just something I want to continue to do

14. Biking at sunrise- Because why not?
15. Working on learning a new language- Well technically I took french for 9 years, but I know NOTHING! However I'm working on it so when I do move to France, I'm not going in completely clueless

16. Enjoying valuable family time- Now that we are all getting older this is rare! I want to enjoy every chance I can get

17. Moving into our new house- My parents are FINALLY done with their house renovations and are ready to move in, when I'm home, I'm VERY excited to be living there!

18. Growing my hair out- My impulsive side says otherwise, but we'll see how far I can go

19. Dancing until my feet fall off- Again, because why not?

20. Falling in love over and over and over- With myself, with my world, with my friends, with boys, with everything, because love is the best thing anyone can experience. I'm filling 21 with LOVE!

21. Celebrating ME every chance I get! Because I'm vain and that's okay, I recognize my worth and I want to celebrate that! Three cheers to me!
And that's all folks! I'm SO excited for this year, so many wonderful things await me! Here's to it! Xo, O